
SouthPhilly_215 t1_iws0zkr wrote

If you’re not from Philly, you may say, I’m from the Philadelphia area, I’m from the Philly burbs, I’m from just outside of Philly, I live in South Jersey so I basically root for the Philly sports teams, I’m from Millville - you know, Mike Trout’s home town? - yeah so like I root for mainly all the Philly teams cause I’m just 40 mins out from Philly.” Or something like that. I’m really annoyed when I go to say… Myrtle Beach.. and some num nuts requests Philadelphia Freedom or something from the Piano Players at Crocodile Rock cause “We’re from Philly baby!” , you walk up and say “hey man, I’m from South Philly. Where you from?” And they reply, “oh well I’m from Harleysville”…😬🙄😑


SouthPhilly_215 t1_iwfnmhw wrote

Careful… I was tryna figure out if anyone in the business, political, or arts community could find a way to reopen the movie theater in South Philly (United Artists Riverview) and was told I’m “entitled”… lol. “Nobody is entitled to a movie theater”, they said… Seems like this sub is being nicer to your McDonald’s. In any case, sorry for your loss.
