
SouthPhilly_215 t1_j17mlyp wrote

The owner of Broad Street Diner and Melrose Diner (same guy) is an absolute crumb. He’s what you get if a slumlord did the same slumlord thing with a landmark business instead.

Since he took over the Melrose, he stopped advertising almost completely. (When is the last time you heard the jingle: “Everybody Who Knows-Goes-To-Mel-rose!”) He closed the back of the house bakery and started ordering cheap bread that they used to make on site regularly. He also started hiring trash management and cooks all while prices increased. He also started cutting costs in the form of quality food and ingredients he ordered. All while the surrounding neighborhood prices skyrocketed and socioeconomic status of residents has improved.

He sneakily got a demo license ahead of the city granting it a historic designation. So he can still demolish it and build some crap ugly hipster palace we don’t want. He’s doing similar shit with Broad Street now. Fuck this guy. The city should step in.


SouthPhilly_215 t1_iws50k5 wrote

Right… People wanna come get educated in Philly, work a high paying corporate job in Philly, run businesses and amass wealth for themselves in Philly… But they wanna live outside the city and not participate in needed solutions for the city, and they vote their tax bracket (for tax breaks) outside the city. But when they’re traveling and need a solid identity, its “Philly baby!” all the way. Clowns


SouthPhilly_215 t1_iws4d1x wrote

Exactly! Its even more annoying when you’re watching someone trying to fight somebody at a club somewhere in like… Houston or Austin or Dallas and they’re like “Yo I’m from Philly. Back the fuck up!” and you can just hear the gears turning in their head about how effectively they can use the word “Jawn” in their next sentence… and you can also tell they’re from like Upper Darby or Broomall or Radnor. Hahaha. But hey, they took a school bus into North Philly into the highly secured St. Joe’s Prep area of 17th & Girard for 4 years. So you know… They’re practically Bernard Hopkins inside. Lmao


SouthPhilly_215 t1_iws3bzc wrote

Hahahahaha! Yeah its annoying because then if these people act stupid while they’re traveling, we get the rep.. I’ve checked a bunch of people before. I was in Miami and heard a group of dudes sayin they’re from South Philly and bein all loud and fake ass wise guy-ish… I never seen these guys before. Turns out their parents or grandparents had houses here and sold out 15, 20, 30 years ago with all the white flight crowd. I feel like they all went to public school in jersey and just realized they had no personality and needed to adopt one real quick. Sad. Lol.


SouthPhilly_215 t1_iws26v1 wrote

Yeah like if you grew up here and the city is pretty much still on you… You’re from here… ya know? Like… Meek Mill is from here no matter where he lives now. Will Smith, though he seems to forget sometimes, is from here. Jilly from Philly is still… Well… From Philly. (Jill Scott). Eve is married to some billionaire, yup, still from Philly tho… Amber Rose… M. Knight Shamalan.. Lil Uzi Vert.. Mario Lanza (Burried in Italy, still from here) All still from here.