
SouthShoreSerenade t1_itxdjsb wrote

I absolutely want every parasite to have their ill-gotten gains redistributed fairly to make a better society. I want to see a frown on the face of everybody who somehow rakes in over $1 million each year when they are told they have to give more back to a society where most people don't clear that much in a decade. I want them to threaten to flee, to try to extort, to attempt blackmail, and all of it to come to nought when the people arrive at their front doors with spoons and forks.

Hope that clears up your confusion.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_itwx0kg wrote

And again, if you don't see a difference between animals which are raised for meat (food being a basic human necessity) and whose entire carcasses are able to be used, vs. the animals which are only raised to be skinned and then the rest of the carcasses tossed, you don't deserve my time. So screw off.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_itwl9vq wrote

I'm not Google. Look up the historical fur trade. Look up fur farms. Look up the impact of non-native invasive species propped up by the fur trade.

Of all the things you could cry about here, the problem of mass killing animals shouldn't be one of them (even those who love meat like myself ought to be able to easily recognize that as a problem).


SouthShoreSerenade t1_itwg78f wrote

I'm absolutely not explaining the difference between killing animals for food and using other parts for other purposes, and the mass extermination of various species specifically for their furs. I'm not doing it. This website is stupid, but nothing is that stupid. People need to stop making stupid comparisons.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_itgvy5r wrote

>its made to exagerate soap operas and their style of acting

My theory, maybe incorrect, is that most of the network executives thought this is what they were really getting and it's the only reason they went on with it. Lynch obviously had other plans, but their meddling affected what he really wanted to do (that much is fact, anyway).


SouthShoreSerenade t1_irqysjn wrote

I'll never forget scheduling an appointment online, and showing up to a AAA office that was empty other than the employees and getting it taken care of in 5 minutes. All four times in my life I ever had to go to the RMV for something I had to wait for at least 45 minutes, once it was a 2 hour wait. AAA, I went after I put my daughter for a nap and got home before she woke up. Insane.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_irgwi74 wrote

>I would suspend the whole program until the issue is addressed head on with the parents who caused this man to resign.

I would agree with you, but I imagine it is as the coach says in the article, "I think they’re trying their best, but with the dynamics of it being a school you pay go to, I think sometimes their hands are tied".

Parents, specifically the vocal minority who are aggressive, dangerous, and of the shouldn't-be-allowed-to-have-children sort, are gaining power over many schools now, and I can definitely see that being true for a private school like Spellman which simply isn't prestigious in the least yet still charges a premium.