SouthShoreSerenade t1_iy45gas wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pharmacy ADHD meds by [deleted]
You need to take a stats class.
Your personal experience is valid for YOU, not for everyone.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_ixm1xvu wrote
Reply to comment by pm_me_reason_to_livx in Wednesday had the most god awful disappointing rushed ending I've ever seen (rant) by ImJustSpider
You say this as if watching eight 45+ minute episodes in one day isn't a bit much. I mean, many of us have been there's still unusual.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_ixk5j4c wrote
Reply to comment by OkayTryAgain in Can someone please explain how the high school football schedule works in MA? by [deleted]
>Lastly, they aren't the oldest rivalries in the the state or the nation.
It is absolutely the oldest rivalry between two public high schools in the United States, ya rude ding dong.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_ix395i8 wrote
Reply to If you had to choose between these four counties/towns, which one would you choose? by ActuatorHoliday346
Plymouth, Cape Cod, Boston, then Worcester in that order. I hate cities. I hate the idea of living in one, I hate the idea of breathing polluted city air (it's all diesel fumes all the time), I hate the thought of trying to enter or leave or commute within a city. It's all terrible. And for what it's worth Worcester is the worcest of them all.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iwl4sk0 wrote
Reply to What if Charlie Baker runs for President? by nebirah
He'd be the only sane man on a stage with DeSatan and he wouldn't stand a snowball's chance. Those voters want insanity and villainy. I don't like Baker but he's not those things, he wouldn't feed those dogs.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iw0acpt wrote
Reply to comment by slaincha3 in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
Equitable - taxing someone who can't afford new shoes at 4% of their income is reprehensible. Taxing someone with two yachts and three homes 8% of their income is an undertax.
Sensible - nobody, other than libertardian buttclowns and the ancap economists that they subscribe to, could ever call a flat tax sensible.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_ivw8frh wrote
Reply to Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
How are you going to fund ballooning special education needs with a one-off surplus?
SouthShoreSerenade t1_ivw8dd0 wrote
Reply to comment by kayarisme in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
>Equitable & sensible.
Wow, you got both of those words wrong. Impressive!
SouthShoreSerenade t1_ivpmf7e wrote
Reply to comment by iTZBLaSToFFTiMe in Why did Great Barrington vote so staunchly for No on 2? by nrvs_hbt
Well, the dentists are overwhelmingly in favor of Q2. So maybe you're mistaken and Barrington means "Town of Insurers"?
SouthShoreSerenade t1_ivmcraw wrote
Oh nooooooooo. This is a family favorite. Like my wife is crying in the corner right now. I don't know what we're going to tell the little one, she's going to be devastated.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iur4oit wrote
Reply to comment by lufecaep in Does the textile waste ban seem like it is going to be a nightmare to anyone else? by lufecaep
That's the point.
This isn't about your filthy used mattress. This is about unused or unsold product. This affects retailers, not consumers.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iue6w5r wrote
Reply to comment by Peeeculiar in Why is Quincy such a cluster? by redditor420_69
Me on 3A:
>I want to get off MR BONES WILD RIDE
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iue13vi wrote
Reply to Why is Quincy such a cluster? by redditor420_69
Your first sentence is correct. Quincy has suburban infrastructure but urban needs. It is also the bottleneck through which all travel coming from south of Boston must pass.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iudkc12 wrote
Reply to comment by cowghost in Massachusetts bans clothing, footwear, bedding, curtains and other textiles from trash disposal by cowghost
I see, I can believe that a lazy/corrupt/underfunded city would do that.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iudclld wrote
Reply to comment by PabloX68 in Massachusetts bans clothing, footwear, bedding, curtains and other textiles from trash disposal by cowghost
Why is it stupid? It doesn't affect consumers in any way. Your old mattress is contaminated no matter what. All it does is prevent unsold mattresses from being thrown out.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iudbch9 wrote
Reply to comment by cowghost in Massachusetts bans clothing, footwear, bedding, curtains and other textiles from trash disposal by cowghost
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Plastic recycling is a crapshoot, but paper, metal, and especially glass recycling are all extremely worthwhile.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iud2o4n wrote
Reply to comment by guesswhatihate in The face of opposition to Question 1 admits proposed tax wouldn’t hurt him much: ‘I’m not struggling’ - The Boston Globe by petepont
>the job he let them have,
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iud25nh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Massachusetts bans clothing, footwear, bedding, curtains and other textiles from trash disposal by cowghost
Can we get a ban on whiny nonresidents who only post here to troll and cry?
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iub43h9 wrote
Reply to comment by LetsPlayCanasta in The face of opposition to Question 1 admits proposed tax wouldn’t hurt him much: ‘I’m not struggling’ - The Boston Globe by petepont
Lick that boot! Lick that boot! Lick that boot!
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iuay7ve wrote
Reply to comment by petepont in The face of opposition to Question 1 admits proposed tax wouldn’t hurt him much: ‘I’m not struggling’ - The Boston Globe by petepont
>“Don’t portray me like I’m a friggin’ crybaby because I don’t want to spend 40 grand on a million dollars,”
If you don't want to be called a clown, don't wear a rainbow wig, a big red nose, long squeaky shoes, and facepaint.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iuabk0x wrote
Reply to Leominster Math Teacher 10th 11th 12th by Maronita2020
They can join the club. All the well-respected and high-paying careers you can get with a math degree, why choose teaching? Speaking as a moron who did just that.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iu6icky wrote
Reply to I'm at a standstill on question 1 by [deleted]
Yeah, imagine when the median wage eventually hits $400 an hour. A person working 40 hours a week for 52 straight weeks will cross that million dollar threshold oh wait no that's still only six figures.
Math is important.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iu0sk11 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in PSA: Vet your Sources [Question 1] by RonBurgundy35
Oh don't worry. That was it. Just wanted to make sure everyone knows my favorite diet.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_itxuri9 wrote
Reply to comment by -Horatio_Alger_Jr- in PSA: Vet your Sources [Question 1] by RonBurgundy35
No, honey, I AM the state.
SouthShoreSerenade t1_iy5nljo wrote
Reply to comment by JimBrady86 in Mo Brings Plenty Was About to Quit Acting. Then Came ‘Yellowstone.’ by Reditate
You are right. I've seen a lot of that.
John Dutton, obviously a hardcore right-winger self-proclaimed "eNeMy Of PrOgReSs", is elected governor and the very first thing he says behind closed doors is "f this state, the only thing that actually matter is the raaaynnch". It is shown repeatedly that the only way he has been able to maintain his iron grip on his enormous amount of land - that he inherited and did nothing to earn himself - is through violence and corrupt dealing. This is obviously not a good or heroic person or family.
Ironically, it seems like a lot of conservatives see the show as conservative propaganda...which is scary, considering the above, but not surprising.
Finally, it is ok for bad guys to be right sometimes, and many redditors seem to struggle with that idea. "Villain protagonist loves natural things and wants to protect them from overdevelopment"...didn't everybody love and connect with Thanos as a villain for having this same take?