SparkDBowles t1_j9zytu7 wrote
Reply to comment by jester02k in Comcast left a note stating they plan to dig up my lawn upgrade a line. I don't even have Comcast and I don't want them digging. How can I stop this? by bcardarella
Doesn’t apply to utilities
SparkDBowles t1_j9zyse1 wrote
Reply to comment by Conan776 in Comcast left a note stating they plan to dig up my lawn upgrade a line. I don't even have Comcast and I don't want them digging. How can I stop this? by bcardarella
Not faster than they can remove it and dig
SparkDBowles t1_j9zyqy4 wrote
SparkDBowles t1_j9zymdg wrote
SparkDBowles t1_j9zyi11 wrote
Reply to comment by therealcmj in Comcast left a note stating they plan to dig up my lawn upgrade a line. I don't even have Comcast and I don't want them digging. How can I stop this? by bcardarella
Also, “fiber ready” is an upgrade and selling point on the Josie as opposed to outdated “cable/internet ready”
SparkDBowles t1_j9zczsq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I don't like Lana Del Rey but I don't know why by JunFerra
Idk if I’d go that far, bus it’s def vapid scene girl music.
SparkDBowles t1_j9zcv74 wrote
Reply to comment by klowder42 in I don't like Lana Del Rey but I don't know why by JunFerra
Yeah. She just sings about “LA shit”.
SparkDBowles t1_j9zct7f wrote
Reply to comment by kclongest in I don't like Lana Del Rey but I don't know why by JunFerra
Same. She kinda sucks. Her voice is annoying and she’s terrible live.
SparkDBowles t1_j9zcpv4 wrote
Reply to comment by psych_ike in I don't like Lana Del Rey but I don't know why by JunFerra
I have so many questions.
SparkDBowles t1_j9z8r6b wrote
Reply to comment by wejustsaymanager in Creep by Radiohead by Twiztid_Angel_
Rip Patrice. He’s a fucking riot.
SparkDBowles t1_j9z8cmx wrote
Reply to comment by Twiztid_Angel_ in Creep by Radiohead by Twiztid_Angel_
“Born after 9/11”… jfc I feel old. I was out of college by then.
SparkDBowles t1_j9mrejv wrote
Reply to comment by kpe12 in curtain problem by timeforclowns
Yeah. Like a shower curtain.
SparkDBowles t1_j9ma46f wrote
Reply to Dyed Hair in the Workplace by Ok_Bluebird_292
My wife has purple hair and got hired at a conservative law firm, so it’s not too big a deal. Boston metro is one of the “bluest” areas in the country.
SparkDBowles t1_j9hlinj wrote
Reply to Which greatest hits/compilation albums do you consider proper albums in their own right? by my_one_and_lonely
CCR: Chronicle
SparkDBowles t1_j9hle58 wrote
Reply to comment by I_Am_No_One_123 in Which greatest hits/compilation albums do you consider proper albums in their own right? by my_one_and_lonely
Also, Stones through the past darkly
SparkDBowles t1_j9hl9hw wrote
Reply to comment by the_pretender_nz in Which greatest hits/compilation albums do you consider proper albums in their own right? by my_one_and_lonely
Singles. The one that started it all.
SparkDBowles t1_j9bl38n wrote
Reply to comment by Mysterious-House-51 in Anti-Suspension Laws and lack of consequences are taking a toll on our K12 schools by bostonteacher90871
In school suspension is the way. Or, make the kids stay to do chores after school.
SparkDBowles t1_j98x5cm wrote
Widowmaker from Braintree? Hardly the best brewery in Boston
SparkDBowles t1_j97yt8r wrote
Reply to East Brookfield Water by Zent_Angelous
Looks like hardness. You may need a softener. If you want I’m an environmental consultant and can send somebody to test it.
SparkDBowles t1_j967yzh wrote
Reply to Anyone has experience with PMLA? by GezinhaDM
Apply online. Also talk to dr or their staff and see what they know about getting approved.
SparkDBowles t1_j967wcp wrote
Reply to comment by superbbuffalo in Anyone has experience with PMLA? by GezinhaDM
I’ve found the opposite.
SparkDBowles t1_j8u4h5a wrote
Reply to comment by matt_cb in Stomach bug? by ok-snozzberry-103
Yeah. Since last fall. Plus a million enterovirus.
SparkDBowles t1_j8peu3j wrote
Reply to comment by jusmellow in TIL that the phrase "It was a dark and stormy night" was the opening line to an actual novel published in 1830, but runs on for another 51 words: "It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which..." by dylancatlow
Which one?
SparkDBowles t1_j8perxo wrote
Reply to comment by Some0neAwesome in TIL that the phrase "It was a dark and stormy night" was the opening line to an actual novel published in 1830, but runs on for another 51 words: "It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which..." by dylancatlow
tl;dr: thnx
SparkDBowles t1_ja0qn2p wrote
Reply to comment by jester02k in Comcast left a note stating they plan to dig up my lawn upgrade a line. I don't even have Comcast and I don't want them digging. How can I stop this? by bcardarella
Yeah. Utilizes are “for the greater good” so you don’t win in that case. “Harm one to save thousands”