
SpartanJack17 t1_j1biaw4 wrote

Hello u/Postbreak_KQM, your submission "YouTube Channel name." has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_j0y7c7z wrote

Hello u/planktivious, your submission "An asteroid flies past Earth and totally takes out the moon at 5AM EST like it was never there. What happens in those first few moments all over the globe? And what eventually happens overall?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_j05oy29 wrote

Hello u/CantSpellverygood, your submission "Birth of a star footage?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_izi199x wrote

Hello u/Riceeatingcommunist, your submission "How do we know what the milky way looks like?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iyb832n wrote

Hello u/Belligerent_Christ, your submission "Can someone explain time dilation?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iyb4kr8 wrote

Hello u/sheeppeople, your submission "Do astronauts masterbate while in space?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iya7evq wrote

Hello u/Any_Palpitation_3110, your submission "what would be different if we had two moons" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iy3bvff wrote

Hello u/Aporue76, your submission "Contradictory information regarding the temperature of space." has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iy2270p wrote

Hello u/Provax97, your submission "Telescope recommendations" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

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SpartanJack17 t1_iy2230v wrote

Hello u/1stviolinfangirl, your submission "Does anyone have credible articles about the KT meteor strike / extinction?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

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SpartanJack17 t1_iwipp3p wrote

Hello u/FaceFirst23, your submission "What would space travel look like from the ship’s perspective?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iwip75d wrote

Hello u/BOTT__, your submission "What are we? Why are we?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iw97vq8 wrote

Hello u/8th_House_Stellium, your submission "I saw something with a 16" scope as a kid--it was a softly glowing yellow-orange ball with two irregular asteroid-like rocks on either side of it. It was the middle of the night and I pointed my telescope straight up. Nobody has ever been able to tell me what I saw. It was too yellow to be Mars." has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iw92n1c wrote

Hello u/3sperr, your submission "What if someone masturbates on the international space station?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_ivh4me7 wrote

Hello u/Navstar27, your submission "Who would move to Mars?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuudj8i wrote

Hello u/2C_H3, your submission "Anxious about the Asteroid detected in suns glare" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuk6vtc wrote

Hello u/WeirdNecessary2912, your submission "Just wanted to ask that which is the biggest exoplanet discovered as of now? Google keeps on giving different answers" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuk6lwz wrote

Hello u/Ggoods123, your submission "Why we don’t see aliens" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuk6cel wrote

All the scientists looking for life already know this. But we also know how far away the things we're looking at are, and therefore how far in the past we're seeing them. All the planets we look at are within our own galaxy, and we only see them a few tens, hundreds or at most thousands of years in the past, definitely not at the beginning of the universe. Even looking at the opposite side of our galaxy would only be 100,000 years in the past. And even other galaxies are millions or tens of millions of light years way, which isn't anywhere close to the beginning of the universe.

It's only observations of ultra distant galaxies that are billions of light years away that are seeing significantly nearer to the beginning of the universe, and we're not looking for life in those observations.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuk5mue wrote

Hello u/dilip2022, your submission "if humans are made up of cells, why not giant animal is made up of humans? why not we just a cell in giant animal.. we are not superior in the universe.. if we grow, from cell point of view ,expanding.. why not we take universe expanding is like giant animal growing... sorry just curious to know.." has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuh91ln wrote

Hello u/Ligerbee, your submission "How many days was Mercury in its orbit on Oct 9th, 2006" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iufl1ka wrote

Hello u/Cevvi, your submission "If the Milky Way is located in the middle of a void, does this explain why we see no aliens?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iufl0hl wrote

Hello u/Tatti_luck, your submission "Please explain in simple words" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


SpartanJack17 t1_iucvasy wrote

Hello u/Apart-Brother2973, your submission "I have a question about why a black hole’s gravity is more than it was when it was a star (detailed question in description)" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.