
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixostk1 wrote

One fun (ie, silly) theory is that Putin is dead, and his body double has taken over.

This body double actually believes the bullshit Putin was spinning - invincible army, Ukraine is Russia, NATO is actively trying to destroy Russia, the empire will rise again - and when he took over, he ordered the invasion.

The long tables are there so that politicians and staff who have known Putin up close for years can't see the differences surgery can't hide.

It's probably bullshit, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iu4jdft wrote

Some kid from the US I was tangentially friends with got his hands on a Silicon Valley recruiter's powerpoint, and it was one of the creepiest fucking things I'd come across.

One of the things was to hire kids young, and make sure they have NO OTHER hobbies, or life experience, other than coding, because they knew that they'd lose a lot of headcount if they discovered work with tangible results.