SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy8dxz6 wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyPO in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
"How much does it cost to hire a 15-year-old?"
"About 15 grand a year."
"And to buy this robot?"
"About 14 grand."
"There you go."
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy8drc0 wrote
Reply to comment by Potemkin_Jedi in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
Dude, they're bringin' you food.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy8dpaz wrote
Reply to comment by sadetheruiner in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
> but purely from the standpoint of ignorant destruction for the sake of destruction is a bad trend for humanity.
I mean, it's been going' one for about 65,000 years, sooo...I wouldn't really call it a "trend" so much as "the status quo".
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy87wgt wrote
Reply to comment by N3UROTOXINsRevenge in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
Canadians: "Aww what nice little fella. Let get you where you need to go, eh?"
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy875hf wrote
Reply to comment by carolineecouture in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy864q3 wrote
Reply to Neuromancer isn’t as hard as I’ve heard… by mikeyboi2567
All right. Time for me, literary semi-wanker, to do this.
William Gibson is, pretty much, a literary author. He's an English major (and former antiques picker - hence the cloisonné).
Most science fictions are, frankly terrible fucking writers. What's considered "proper" spec fic writing is considered by pretty much everyone else, absolutely shithouse writing. Yet, of course, this sort of writing is so commonplace that it's become the hallmark of the genre - it's simply how you must write science fiction.
We're talking the exposition, the info-dumps, the overwrought detail, the pointless technical asides that add nothing to the plot - it's the author jerking off in your face about how smart he is, not telling a good story for the readers.
>This is my first dip into hard SF
Interestingly, a lot of people don't consider Gibson "hard" SF, or even cyberpunk in general to be "hard".
Now, it's been my experience as a massive Gibson fan, that most "proper" science-fiction fans absolutely hate Gibson, and will shit on him at every opportunity.
I made the mistake of mentioning I was a Gibson fan - his prose is amazing by the way, and his use of voice in ATP is amazing - during my fine arts writing degree in uni, and that meant, unfortunately, lecture fuckin' paired me up with the Comp Sci and Engineering students who took our classes as electives for - heh - "easy marks".
These were hardcore nerds who boasted about only reading science fiction, hard science fiction, diamond-dick hard science fiction, 900 page novels that were part of the seven book Heptology. Books that had the worse excesses of science fiction writing like I'd mentioned above.
And they hated Gibson. His prose is "fruity", and the lack of over-description meant he was "dumb" because he didn't prove he knew what he was one about. (Why isn't there three whole pages describing how Molly's lenses integrated with her orbital sockets? How they're powered? What material they're made from, and how it was fashioned into lenses? Truth is, for the story, it don't matter...)
The focus on humanity and human characters, not tech, driving the plot forward also bugged them, and keeping track of the characters is a problem.
I'd mention some of the authors they'd read here, if I could remember them. They were out-there names you've never heard of and have to really track down. Melvin Updike? Sergei Komininsky? Who knows?
Finally, unlike a lot of "proper" science fiction authors, Gibson has no institutionalised cultural capital. A lot of these guys were pissed that someone with an English degree was - gasp! - daring to write science fiction.
Long story short, these sort of SF fans tend to dominated SF. And they're gatekeepers, the guys who decide what's good SF and what's bad. And that's why you hear so much negativity around Gibson.
>It’s described in a way that makes me think that you’re not supposed to get everything from the text and you kinda fill it out in your mind. Some descriptions aren’t very clear at all but taking from what’s in the text and imagining what makes sense in my mind works perfectly fine.
And that, my friend, is good writing - which Gibson excels at, and most spec-fic authors frankly suck at. That's what good writing is meant to do, stimulate your imagination, not simply piss words into the empty space between your ears like your noggin's a skull-shaped urinal.
Gibson's a master of this. He does in a sentence or two what most SF authors wouldn't be able to resist into dragging out into a multi-para wank.
>>That blade's under three inches, broad as a soupspoon, wickedly serrated, and ceramic. Skinner says it's a fractal knife, its actual edge more than twice as long as the blade itself.
- Virtual Light
No "proper" SF author would've been able to restrain himself describing something so cool as a fractal-edge ceramic knife in only two lines.
One thing I tried drilling into the those engineering students' porcelain crania was the fact that less writing build more engagement with the reader. The more they have to pay attention and figure things out, the closer they'll read, and they'll read actively, not just gloss over whole paragraphs (my suspicion with those long-arse hard SF books is that no one really reads every line in 'em).
This is a basic tenet of good writing, but it's counterintuitive as hell. Few of them got it. Fewer still got anything more than a "Pass" in our classes...
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy7jcsk wrote
Reply to comment by Gathorall in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
I'd be disappointed if it didn't end up with a cedar pattern lodged in it.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy74on0 wrote
Reply to comment by xavis in TikTok ‘Invisible Body’ challenge exploited to push malware by [deleted]
Ghana has entered the chat!
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy74l6e wrote
Reply to comment by LiliNotACult in I text myself all day every day — and you should, too by dadofbimbim
Next up: author discovers thin sheets of cellulose that can be inscribed with a piece of graphite that are sold in shops everywhere.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy73wo0 wrote
Reply to comment by anung_un_rana in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
Actually, if that's true, then we should be thankful to Philly for stopping it.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy71h78 wrote
Reply to comment by PineapplePandaKing in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
We should build a statue to him!
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy7190q wrote
Reply to comment by marketrent in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
Watching engineers try to learn about social dynamics is always fun.
You know. If you're not in the middle of it.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy715k0 wrote
Reply to comment by formerPhillyguy in Robots will roam a university to study “a socio-technical problem” — will wander a Texas campus so researchers can study human-robot relations. by marketrent
User name something something.
Also, Hitchbot nobly demonstrated a fundamental truth about the difference between Canada and the US.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy3sz4p wrote
Reply to comment by Y_Brennan in Environmentalist, postcolonial, queer books?? by Phat-et-ic
Jesus fucking christ. Peak /r/books right here.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy2gu50 wrote
Reply to comment by RaydnJames in MIT Engineers Design Self-Building Robots That Can Grow Into Bigger Machines by Test19s
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy19ydc wrote
Reply to comment by littleday in MIT Engineers Design Self-Building Robots That Can Grow Into Bigger Machines by Test19s
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixz1apo wrote
Reply to comment by MartianSands in Space Elevators Are Less Sci-Fi Than You Think by Sorin61
Yeah, I've got a earbuds with graphene-coated drivers.
The graphene performs the important task of them being able to say, hey, there's graphene in them in the marketing material.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixxu1ck wrote
Reply to comment by thatfreshjive in Record efficiency of 26.81% for large silicon solar cells by Wagamaga
"Oh no, other humans!111!"
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixww3gl wrote
Reply to comment by myurr in Tesla recalls more than 15,000 Australian electric vehicles over faulty tail lights by ninjascotsman
You don't know what "bigoted" means, do ya, bub?
But thanks for proving my point:
Leave the basement, and go outside.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixwudyq wrote
Reply to comment by myurr in Tesla recalls more than 15,000 Australian electric vehicles over faulty tail lights by ninjascotsman
No other car company has legions of insufferable basement-dwellers loudly doing obnoxious marketing for them.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixwu7to wrote
Reply to comment by Gasser1313 in Tesla recalls more than 15,000 Australian electric vehicles over faulty tail lights by ninjascotsman
I bet you can't either, but you think that simping for them somehow conveys the same status as owning one that you crave.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixuqcqc wrote
Reply to comment by akl78 in The Internet Archive just put 565 Palm Pilot apps in your web browser by dapperlemon
Ehhhhhhhhhhhh...too bad there's fuck-all apps for it.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixuqb0i wrote
Reply to comment by Version-Abject in The Internet Archive just put 565 Palm Pilot apps in your web browser by dapperlemon
Bloke I worked with had one:
Say what you will about Microsoft, their Cleartype tech is unaparalleled. That thing had the crispest, cleanest display ever.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixuq1id wrote
Reply to comment by Version-Abject in The Internet Archive just put 565 Palm Pilot apps in your web browser by dapperlemon
My mate did AV install/maintenance at a school, and the IR blaster on his Samsung was a godsend because they could operate TVs without have to track down the remotes. Bliss.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iyaf4uw wrote
Reply to comment by DavidLeeHoth in Neuromancer isn’t as hard as I’ve heard… by mikeyboi2567
Dunno. Literally don't read much of spec - lord knows the stuff I've read doesn't make the grade IMHO. I've yet to find one who treats good prose as its own reward, not an impediment.