
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_j18r00n wrote

My theory is that some right-wing fuck knuckles - you know, the kind he's been buddying up to lately - said something along the lines of "Y'know, I wish someone'd do something about all the wokerati on Twitter" and then Musk bought it out in a desperate bid to look cool to them, and is now burnin' up because the RWFKs aren't reciprocating the love because Musk did it off his own bat, and the RWFKs don't feel they owe him anything.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iycky6d wrote

I can pretty much guess the showrunner logic behind it:

"Gibson? He's cyberpunk. Cyberpunk's just vidyagame shit, so our target demographic is 15-year-olds who like to feel smart, but for whom the height of wit is 'u fukk ur dad'."

Could they have at least given Cherise a moustache to twirl?


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iyak7vg wrote

If they think you're crude, go technical; if they think you're technical, go crude. I'm a very technical boy.

- Johnny Mnemonic

Very good point - I did not know about where he'd have gotten the annealing algorithm from! That would've been near the end of him finishing the manuscript, surely, given how publishing works.

But again, that shows his restraint - and his respect for his audience (eg, he knows his audience doesn't need everything spelled out for them and they don't need to be talked down to).

Those "casual references" were another criticism - that Gibson was a STEM poseur, and thus unworthy to be even thinking of this stuff, let alone writing about it. He's just some normie appropriating and invading their subculture.

And that was the part of the split /u/supercalifragilism mentions: Gibson put humanity, not science, first in his science fiction. A lot of people don't think Gibson was bending the knee enough.