
Spire_Citron t1_je88dfm wrote

Yup. Everyone seems to think the rich will just hoard all the wealth and be happy while the rest of us die in the streets, but everyone benefits from living in a functional and stable society. The rich may be reluctant to contribute their fair share to achieve that, but that doesn't mean it makes no difference to them.


Spire_Citron t1_jdy3fly wrote

I don't think his point is unreasonable. There's a difference between an AI being able to figure things out for itself and an AI pulling known information from its database, and we should be clear on that distinction. That's not to say that an AI being able to store and retrieve information and communicate it in different ways isn't useful or impressive, but it's not the same as one that can truly piece together ideas in novel and complex ways and come to its own conclusions. They're both AI, but the implications of the latter would be far more significant.


Spire_Citron t1_jdqaa6n wrote

Yup. And who knows what may happen in the future? Maybe future babies will be genetically engineered, and those people will feel like they're the luckiest people ever because they stay young forever and have super healing abilities. Maybe generations before us felt they were the luckiest because they had modern luxuries we now take for granted.


Spire_Citron t1_jdq9w9x wrote

I mean, we can only say this because we're the ones that made it, right? There are countless sperm that could have won that race, but it's not any more meaningful that one sperm won than another one, right? The odds of a particular sperm winning is tiny, but the fact that one of them did isn't remarkable. It's a whole lot of survivorship bias, really. If we don't think of ourselves as special, then it's really not crazy that we're here for this rather than someone else.


Spire_Citron t1_jdpfmjf wrote

I don't know what the actual stats are, but if, say, 70% of boys go to school but only 20% of girls, of course you would start by helping the girls. It's not unfair to focus your attention on the most underserved group first. Yes, ultimately they should make sure all kids can go to school, but they have to start somewhere.


Spire_Citron t1_jbh41sj wrote

So the information they matched to you was three people and a white car? I assumed it was at least something unusual, like you had 7 roommates and a tangerine car. You could probably find a house that matches those requirements on any given street. It shouldn't be legal to raid your house for that. People get killed in raids.