Spire_Citron t1_j70vb88 wrote
Reply to comment by Ragondux in Protecting ourselves against Deepfakes by Soft-Flamingo6003
It's not just people believing they're real that causes harm, though. Having pornography made of you against your will victimises people in and of itself even if everyone knows it's not real. Everyone knew the deep fake porn videos in the latest incident weren't real, but it was still deeply upsetting for the women whose likenesses were used to find out it had been going on.
Spire_Citron t1_j70rpr4 wrote
Reply to comment by nicka163 in Protecting ourselves against Deepfakes by Soft-Flamingo6003
Until it becomes something anyone can do with no effort. Sure, it's been possible for a long time, but the barrier of entry was so high that who would bother?
Spire_Citron t1_j70rlcz wrote
Reply to comment by Smellz_Of_Elderberry in Protecting ourselves against Deepfakes by Soft-Flamingo6003
I don't think people will ever just get used to and be cool with people putting them in pornography against their will. Maybe the people consuming it won't think anything of it, but the people who are victimised by it sure will.
Spire_Citron t1_j70rcr9 wrote
Reply to comment by XGatsbyX in Protecting ourselves against Deepfakes by Soft-Flamingo6003
It doesn't stop the harm, though. Being put in porn against your will is horrifying even if it isn't real.
Spire_Citron t1_j70r8qy wrote
Reply to comment by Ragondux in Protecting ourselves against Deepfakes by Soft-Flamingo6003
The thing is that the possibility that the sex tapes are fake won't make people lose interest because there were people who were paying for those fakes to be made. They don't care that it's fake, they just want custom porn of a particular person.
Spire_Citron t1_j70r0nt wrote
Reply to comment by jeffkeeg in Protecting ourselves against Deepfakes by Soft-Flamingo6003
Just because it's been around for that long doesn't mean it hasn't improved, become more accessible, started being used more, etc.
Spire_Citron t1_j6p5j7m wrote
Reply to comment by ShortNjewey in ChatGPT Content Detector Launched By Stanford University by vadhavaniyafaijan
Generally, essays are a way for students to show that they have a deep understanding of the subject matter. I think it's fine if you use AI to edit it and improve your grammar, but if you're having it do the thinking for you when it comes to examining the information, it defeats the whole point.
Spire_Citron t1_j6p4pn0 wrote
Reply to comment by DeathGPT in ChatGPT Content Detector Launched By Stanford University by vadhavaniyafaijan
Yup. Also, a lot of these detectors just seem to detect writing that is formal and grammatically correct. There's nothing special about the way that it writes. It learned from things written by humans, after all.
Spire_Citron t1_j6mmiz2 wrote
Reply to comment by DonOfTheDarkNight in AI is starting to get really scary how real it is, especially Replika by Tyrion69Lannister
Do you just ignore all the warnings it gives you about its content policy? I've noticed that when I accidentally trigger it, it still gives me the output I asked for anyway.
Spire_Citron t1_j6lvioc wrote
Reply to comment by starstruckmon in The legal implications of highly accurate AI-generated pictures and videos by awesomedan24
Yup. We've all seen movies, right? AI may make it quicker and easier for someone to do these things, but it's been possible for a while now.
Spire_Citron t1_j6ciwei wrote
Reply to Assume the future's history books will in hindsight agree about what the first publicly-released AGI was. At the time of that AGI's release, what percentage of early-adopters will consider it to be AGI? by Z3F
If it's publicly released then I assume many people regular people who don't know much about AI will use it like with ChatGPT, in which case most users probably won't really know what AGI is.
Spire_Citron t1_j684p96 wrote
Reply to comment by LittleTimmyTheFifth5 in Google not releasing MusicLM by Sieventer
If there's one industry you don't want to get into a fight with over copyright, it's the music industry. I think you're right. If the music industry challenges them and wins, it could impact all their other AI ventures.
Spire_Citron t1_j66impp wrote
Reply to comment by sudoku7 in Rate of Americans reporting long-COVID symptoms declining by RockMakesStew
I guess it's a sort of vague thing to define. People may attribute things to long covid and then later find out there was some other reason they'd been feeling off.
Spire_Citron t1_j62e6uc wrote
Something can be extremely intelligent and also designed to serve a particular purpose. Just because it knows it's being manipulated doesn't mean it would necessarily object to that. An AI isn't human and it may not have the same motivations as us, no matter how smart it is.
Spire_Citron t1_j5x78c0 wrote
Reply to Self driving cars are a scary thought by chicagotopsail
It gets more morally questionable if you program it to value certain human lives over others. In your scenario it isn't really making any judgement on the value of human life other than that five or whatever human lives are more valuable than one, which under most circumstances is a no brainer.
Spire_Citron t1_j5sewi8 wrote
Reply to comment by Warpzit in Ticketmaster's most vocal critics, Swifties, will protest outside the U.S. Capitol by koavf
They could require a name when buying tickets and ID to get in if they wanted to make sure there would be no middlemen buying up tickets. There's nothing that can't be done around that using traditional methods that is only possible through NFTs.
Spire_Citron t1_j5s1rts wrote
Reply to comment by Warpzit in Ticketmaster's most vocal critics, Swifties, will protest outside the U.S. Capitol by koavf
We already have ways of tracking the ownership of tickets. That's not where the issue is.
Spire_Citron t1_j5rpzzz wrote
Reply to Future-Proof Jobs by [deleted]
I imagine any kind of social work that requires in person interaction is going to be done by humans for a good while longer. Like, it would take a pretty advanced robot to have both the physical and intellectual abilities to look after high needs kids in a group home, for instance. That's not for everyone, though.
Spire_Citron t1_j5iq6xg wrote
Reply to comment by Samothrace_ in NVIDIA just released a new Eye Contact feature that uses AI to make you look into the camera by strangesmagic
I'm struggling to come up with anything evil you could use this for. I assume it's for streamers who want to make it look as though they're speaking to the audience more even though they need to have their eyes pointed somewhere else to actually read chat.
Spire_Citron t1_j5i01ql wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
I mean, nobody's saying that people who are motivated by competition or making a name for themselves don't exist. They certainly do. Becoming a pro athlete is something that takes a lot of work and dedication and which very few people get famous from doing, so it makes sense that the people who find success in it actually love doing it and don't want to drop it the second they have enough money to live comfortably. They're not a good representation of an average person.
Spire_Citron t1_j5hhrtq wrote
Reply to comment by phaedrux_pharo in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
Yup. Plus hobbies can have plenty of challenge and sense of achievement in them.
Spire_Citron t1_j5hhjeb wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in Can humanity find purpose in a world where AI is more capable than humans? by IamDonya
Why would you hear about the people who retire young with just a few million?
Spire_Citron t1_j5hh635 wrote
Do people really find it fulfilling to be a small cog in the success of a company? I mean maybe if the company you work for is doing something cool or good for the world, but most aren't. We have to remember that companies haven't been around forever. Way way back your only job was to be part of a tribe and contribute to the basic survival of yourself and your community. Wouldn't it be a better world if we could live in a society where we get our fulfillment from helping one another out? All these things we've decided we need in order to feel fulfilled in the modern world are largely just a result of the pursuit of money being pushed on us as the most important thing our whole lives, and then most people find out that having those things doesn't actually bring them the satisfaction they were hoping for anyway.
Spire_Citron t1_j596au5 wrote
Reply to comment by alexiuss in Google to relax AI safety rules to compete with OpenAI by Surur
I think there are some things to care about in terms of ethics, like recognising when it's actually being used for dangerous things like coding malicious software or whatever, but I don't think lewdness is the kind of ethics that a text generator should really be worried about. There's not really much harm to be had in it being used to write even the most morally depraved smut. People are already producing that by the boatload without the help of AI.
Spire_Citron t1_j73wkkv wrote
Reply to comment by Smellz_Of_Elderberry in Protecting ourselves against Deepfakes by Soft-Flamingo6003
Things can be common experiences and still deeply upsetting. Women already experience a lot of sexual exploitation and so far it hasn't become something they're not bothered by.