
SpiritOfFire013 t1_iz1tpnf wrote

Not exactly, I mean to an extent you make a valid point, and there are probably companies out there investing in this tech that may not be sourcing their facilities energy needs from clean energy.

But a lot of them are and that’s the point. But at the same time, the point of Carbon Capture facilities in these early iterations of the technology has nothing to do with creating clean energy. It’s to help us reach carbon neutrality. The reality of the world is, that we will not be able to truly reduce carbon emissions on a massive scale for decades to come. Countries around the world will still use coal, natural gas, and oil for power, and there will still be major carbon contributors between agriculture, logistics, etc. Life will continue that way for the foreseeable future.

The whole point of these carbon capture programs is to take the first baby steps towards carbon neutrality first and then hopefully a net 0 or a negative carbon footprint (if that’s possible.) in the more distant future. The idea is, that companies with large carbon footprints will invest in and pay carbon capture companies for their services, and eventually they will have paid for enough to become carbon neutral between what they put out and what they pay to have removed.


SpiritOfFire013 t1_iz1sl86 wrote

Maybe some day, but tech like that is a lot further off then commercial carbon capture technologies at scale. But carbon capture technology, when using clean energy to power it, is not bad like the commenter above is think.

Yet the have a valid point of said carbon capture mechanisms are running off of dirty energy sources like coal, oil, or natural gas.

But the whole idea of Carbon Capture tech like that in its initials form, is more about getting to a point of carbon neutrality. Not exactly sucking all of the carbon and greenhouse gasses straight out of the wire like a magic trick. Obviously that’s the eventual plan to an extent lol. But right meow, the point is forcing large companies that pollute with CO2 and other emissions to invest in carbon capture technology or to pay carbon capture facilities for their services, which theoretically, when done properly would effectively make them carbon neutral. If that makes sense.