Squidworth89 t1_iuanrja wrote
Reply to comment by yupuhoh in Hey, away guy here, I love Hannafords, it may sounds like a dumb question, but how to buy buffet at Hannaford, and where to pay? And thanks for this awesome Reddit and best ppl. by Crazyancientdoc
If bacons all you need grab the bacon bits from the pizza prep section and put on whatever.
Squidworth89 t1_iuae7g4 wrote
Reply to comment by Crazyancientdoc in Hey, away guy here, I love Hannafords, it may sounds like a dumb question, but how to buy buffet at Hannaford, and where to pay? And thanks for this awesome Reddit and best ppl. by Crazyancientdoc
Hannafords “fresh” shrimp is the same as the bagged frozen shrimp in the freezer nearby.
I used to go a lot before Covid. But it seems their prices are way up. Went in for a pre-packed pasta salad and the container was double what it used to be. Can get take out for that.
Squidworth89 t1_iuada6v wrote
Reply to Hey, away guy here, I love Hannafords, it may sounds like a dumb question, but how to buy buffet at Hannaford, and where to pay? And thanks for this awesome Reddit and best ppl. by Crazyancientdoc
Who still does that? Seems like takeout is better priced.
Squidworth89 t1_isxdcpc wrote
Reply to comment by MaineHippo83 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Boggleheads is a very basic community. Haven’t been there in prolly a decade. I’m assuming they haven’t changed much.
Squidworth89 t1_isxanad wrote
Reply to comment by lucianbelew in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
You should try actually educating yourself on the subject matter at hand. You wouldn’t be so bitter about it if you grasped the basics.
Squidworth89 t1_isx8iek wrote
Reply to comment by lucianbelew in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Target date funds are a rip-off sold to the ignorant.
Blind trusts… who blindly gives up control of their funds?
Squidworth89 t1_isx8fo8 wrote
Reply to comment by MaineHippo83 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Those are terrible alternatives.
Squidworth89 t1_isx8eki wrote
Reply to comment by MaineHippo83 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
No this is about equities. Learn the proper definitions.
$174k isn’t glamorous for DC.
Squidworth89 t1_isx8ckl wrote
Reply to comment by MaineHippo83 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Your vision is narrow as well as understanding of the matter.
Squidworth89 t1_isviwtm wrote
Reply to comment by Silktrocity in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
You sound bitter. Maybe it’s you that needs the grip.
Squidworth89 t1_isupnc2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
The pandemic did start inflation. It showed how weak the worlds supply chain is.
Go back to building supplies… when the pandemic hit suppliers cut production goals figuring they’d have material backing up and people wouldn’t be spending. The reality was the reverse. Everyone was bored at home and getting caught up on projects.
Look at baby formula… there’s a relatively small number of places that make it. When a couple shut down for an extended period it causes a crises.
We see it regularly in gas. When refineries are down… it spikes.
That’s all supply inflation. Supply of goods isn’t keeping up with demand.
What crisis in Maine? Housing? That’s National. The fix is at the municipal level. Harass your local politicians. Maine does have a law coming up that allows universally by the sounds of it a second unit on all single family lots. But it needs more higher density rules changed.
Squidworth89 t1_isumz7n wrote
Reply to comment by TarantinoFan23 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Something that actually matters...
This one means nothing for you and I.
Address basic rights for women, or lagging wages, or the terribly broken medical system and maybe he'd deserve those votes.
But pandering on misunderstood and inflated word salad... he might as well be a MTG who does equally as much nothing in office.
Squidworth89 t1_isukmme wrote
Reply to comment by TarantinoFan23 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
I'm insinuating the only real purpose behind this legislation is for him to score political points at home as he panders for votes in the upcoming election.
Squidworth89 t1_isuh6g2 wrote
Reply to comment by Laeek in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
You guys cannot even keep your definitions straight.
The "Less than 1%" you're referring to is day trading. That has nothing to do with the conversation.
Just because someone buys stock in specific companies doesn't mean it's insider trading, or day trading, or whatever else ppl come up with.
They get a decent salary while in office for DC. Not something I would give up access to stocks for.
Squidworth89 t1_isuf7sf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
There is monetary inflation which is caused by printing currency. Then there is supply inflation which is based on supply and demand.
When supply of goods doesn’t keep up with demand for goods; prices go up.
Conversely when there’s too much supply… prices go down.
Inflation predates Ukraine. I noticed it in building supplies in early 2020. Costs doubled or more on material.
In response to what situation?
They don’t want apartments… that’s the problem… we need more multi story buildings with multiple units in them instead of all these single family houses.
Squidworth89 t1_isuemgz wrote
Reply to comment by mhb20002000 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
It’s easy to prove that ford employee knew the stock would tank.
It’s not so easy to prove a politician knows a stock is going to move.
Banning equities is idiotic. It’ll only disincentives people from running. The already wealthy people will still get around it.
Squidworth89 t1_isu9b98 wrote
Reply to comment by wessex464 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Which would be the inherent issue regardless of whatever act they sign.
It's easier to prove insider trading on the company level. On the policy level that's much more challenging.
Squidworth89 t1_isu8r3a wrote
Reply to comment by GoggleField in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Yeah you can use index funds or mutual funds...
But imo those are trash. I do feel there will eventually be an index fund bubble (they buy indiscriminately, and eventually that'll artificially inflate certain things that will eventually have to pop). And mutual fund managers are really not that good at managing funds.
For starters they could simply enforce the reporting requirements... which they really don't.
Intention is debatable. It does nothing for the people. To me it's simply pandering for votes. There's far more important matters out there.
Squidworth89 t1_isu7wnl wrote
Reply to comment by Competitive-Army2872 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
He waves that magical wand he's got and POOF! all is fixed...
Squidworth89 t1_isu7rtp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
He really isn't doing that bad... you're just falling for the authoritarian brainwashing they're doing to you.
The economy is still firing on all cylinders... Hence why we have supply inflation, demand is outstripping supply.
Inflation is global. And by global inflation standards... the US is doing far better than many.
Housing has nothing to do with the Feds. 75% of the land people live on is zoned single family. Municipalities need to stop limiting the ability to build housing units.
Squidworth89 t1_isu6z1l wrote
Reply to comment by Attackcamel8432 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Not so much for the lawmakers but for those looking to try to be one...
Do they have decent salaries? Yes. Are those salaries huge? Not by DC standards.
I personally would be hard pressed to ever run for office if I couldn't invest in equities. Social security is a joke. Bond yields are terrible. I've never been offered a pension. Have no choice but equities.
There should be reform but most pushing the narrative "it's insider trading rawr rawr rawr!" don't grasp the subject matter beyond the headline.
Plus... there's many far more important things we keep kicking the can on...
Squidworth89 t1_isu5g24 wrote
Reply to comment by Friendly-Seaweed-250 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
That's all you've got?
Feel free to educate yourself on the matter and try again. Or continue living in ignorance... I hear it's bliss.
Squidworth89 t1_isu58o3 wrote
Reply to comment by Attackcamel8432 in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Pensions are getting rarer and rarer.
Shouldn't be... but is the reality of it... they're only failing because the companies/government entities didn't properly fund them in past decades and unions got gutted.
Squidworth89 t1_isu50uc wrote
Reply to comment by SobeysBags in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly
Insider trading is a legal term. The laws exempt congress; therefore it isn't technically insider trading.
Squidworth89 t1_iuax7yv wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in You better recycle in Biddeford by ZestycloseLine8751
How are they hidden? If you want a larger trash can pay the fee.