
SquirrelEnthusiast t1_iuikhhy wrote

Aside from the fact that NJ food, in some aspects, is not going to live up to San Diego food, how far outside of Princeton have you actually travelled? You can find any really REALLY good spots for any of that all over NJ, you just have to work for it. And to find what you think is "good", you're gonna have to do what the rest of us do and go find what you like the most.


SquirrelEnthusiast t1_iu007ds wrote

10k per year = about 3 classes. You may need to shell out some money for fees on top of that (my company paid for the class itself, but not additional fees related to the classes). And Linenoise is right, you should look into what they want in return. My company expects you to work for a specific amount of years after the completion of each class, or I have to pay them back. Pay real close attention to that fine print.

I went to Rutgers for my MBS, which is separate from an MBA, so I can't speak on the quality of Rutgers' program.


SquirrelEnthusiast t1_itzv5bd wrote

I did half of my MBS online and it wasn't hard to network given the amount of resources, group projects, and events that the school attempted to give us. Its true that you won't get the same experience in person, but a good school will have mechanisms in place for you to have opportunities to network. It should be part of your requirements for a school should you decide to go.