
Ssider69 t1_iydqf00 wrote

This is among the more fascinating experiments of a generation

It ranks with the LIGO experiment as it confirms theories previously thought untestable

Also kind of head spinning to realize that this is based on nearly a century old work.


Ssider69 t1_iy5j1fs wrote

This is a Disney world level attraction at best

Building infrastructure is not just like adding lines of code...and granted that is difficult enough

Geological conditions vary by region for one. You aren't going to bore 2x faster than anyone else. Drilling in New Hampshire is a whole different set of challenges than in Nevada.


Ssider69 t1_ivfuq5h wrote

I'm an avid user of Reddit because I prefer to read articles and consider the information presented

But I've never had the urge to share my life via social media. It's great for me if I go see the Pyramids but why would anyone else care that I went?

Social media is a product that mostly invented its own demand. The ultimate bootstrap paradox

I remember when you went on vacation and other people sped away in their vehicles when you offered to show them photos of you in front of some monument or natural wonder...and then of course share photos of the hotel lobby, the rental car agency and the gas station you stoped in to buy a slushy