Stabbymcappleton t1_j8xx0kd wrote
Reply to comment by Signal-Power-3656 in The Tree of Life - Kalaloch, WA by Signal-Power-3656
Also, don’t trust the “Chinese food” in Sequim. It’s disgusting.
Also it’s pronounced “Skwim”
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8xwf4i wrote
Reply to comment by darlantan in The Tree of Life - Kalaloch, WA by Signal-Power-3656
One of the many things Reddit has ruined in Washington. Just like the Vance Creek bridge up by Shelton.
Some bitch has to do yoga poses while getting filmed for internet points and vanity.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8toojt wrote
Reply to comment by skifever in Just released a WSDOT traffic camera iOS app that lets you view your entire route rather than clicking one at a time. Looking for feedback. Thanks! by skifever
Just FYI: If someone gets mashed up or there’s something else exciting, WSDOT will turn the cameras away.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8t792k wrote
Reply to comment by RedRedBettie in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
At Western State Mental Hospital? ;)
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8t6zjf wrote
Reply to comment by westmaxia in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
Everything on the west coast is becoming Seattle/San Francisco cost wise. Tacoma, Vancouver, Portland, San Diego, all of it.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8t5uzh wrote
Reply to comment by tdyo in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
Only if you don’t have to commute. There’s really nice places on that side of the Narrows, but those bridge tolls and traffic are hell.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8t5bch wrote
Reply to comment by westmaxia in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
You get what you pay for. Good neighborhoods aren’t cheap, and cheap neighborhoods aren’t good.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8t4ll5 wrote
Reply to comment by Brandowmayor in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
Yep. “Downtown” is just the banking district. It’s a ghost town after hours. The real life of Tacoma is in the neighborhoods. Proctor, Hilltop, Ruston, 6th Ave, Old Town, etc.
back in the 90’s, there used to be a bunch of dance clubs like Drakes and comedy clubs and a huge pool hall/arcade called Jillion’s. There was The Swiss. Oh and a shitty, shitty line dancing redneck hick bar called McHale’s where people liked to stab each other in the parking lot while their cowboy boots slipped around on chew spit.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8q8h07 wrote
Reply to comment by sergeirocks in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
Fircrest is nice if you have a shitload of money, and don’t need to commute anywhere. It’s a dry town. No bars…unless you belong to the country club.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8q7dcc wrote
Reply to comment by westmaxia in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
In the PNW you get what you pay for.
If you want to spend $5000/month, you’re going to have a peaceful life. If you want to spend $500/month, you’re life is gonna suck and you’ll get your car stolen and your crap apartment broken into once a week.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8q6x9w wrote
Reply to comment by westmaxia in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
If you can afford it. There’s literally like one tavern and one restaurant and jackshit for schools. It’s pretty much all retirees that want a view of the water and never have to commute anywhere. Also the main west coast rail line runs right through “downtown.” As if it had a downtown.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8pn96k wrote
Reply to comment by flanol in Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
Totally. Lakewood blows. I go for the Asian food and GTFO ASAP.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8pmm9v wrote
Reply to Is Lakewood fairly safer than Tacoma? by westmaxia
The cops are fucking assholes and property crime is rampant.
I’ve seen beater cars slowly casing neighborhoods looking for houses without cameras.
Lakewood is a fucking shithole.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8pm1of wrote
Reply to What's going on with the ferry system? by chownee
The cost of living within commuting distance of a Ferry Terminal is absolutely insane. The salary WSDOT pays ferry crews is abysmal. The crews also are required to have TWIC cards and a shitload of other training and certification which pretty much makes them eligible for maritime jobs paying 10x what WSDOT can pay.
The end result is that the ferry system isn’t sufficiently staffed. Also, would you like to stand in the freezing cold, pissing rain at 3am?
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8c1g5p wrote
Reply to comment by Cuidado_roboto in Is there a lot of poison oak in western Washington? by therealalanwatts
Fern juice will kill nettle stings. Bracken fern is best, sword fern will do the trick as a 2nd place.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8c16j4 wrote
Reply to comment by decoy_man in Is there a lot of poison oak in western Washington? by therealalanwatts
Yep. Poison Ivy/Oak will definitely fuck you up. It’s not like nettles. The toxin spreads all over your body.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8c088f wrote
Reply to comment by rosesandpiglets in Is there a lot of poison oak in western Washington? by therealalanwatts
You can extinguish nettle stings with fern juice.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8c05bz wrote
YES. Especially around the Puget Sound shoreline and islands.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j803gax wrote
Reply to comment by OdoDragonfly in Tahoma was fierce today by NathanArizona
Depends on the language. Not every tribe called it Tahoma, just like not every tribe called Mt St Helens “Loowit.”
Stabbymcappleton t1_j7ylb04 wrote
Reply to comment by Rekt_itRalph in WA DNR pulls no punches by BenjiMalone
Their working conditions are complete shit as well. Imagine working 18 hour days in 105° heat only to come back to some shitty tent, get served a tray full of army slop, and then head back out to the fire line at like 3am. For all. Summer. Long.
Guess who gets all the budget money? Hillary Franz and her ass-kissers.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j7x87qa wrote
Reply to Found a very thick metal cable in the woods while Rock Hounding along power lines. What was it? by Boots-n-Rats
If you don’t mind me asking, what part of the state were you Rockhounding?
Stabbymcappleton t1_j7p6yl2 wrote
Reply to comment by flyfruit in The coast with the most by gham1
It’s called “Dismal Nitch,” “Cape Disappointment”, and “Point No Point” for a reason.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j7igt1q wrote
Reply to comment by MGC00992 in Found a very thick metal cable in the woods while Rock Hounding along power lines. What was it? by Boots-n-Rats
Choker setter is the fastest way to lose an arm or a leg. Or get dead.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j7ign7h wrote
Reply to comment by Daemmerung in Found a very thick metal cable in the woods while Rock Hounding along power lines. What was it? by Boots-n-Rats
Yep. I used to find rusty coils of 1” logging cables in the woods behind my house while tromping around.
Stabbymcappleton t1_j8xzro0 wrote
Reply to comment by tellMyBossHesWrong in The Tree of Life - Kalaloch, WA by Signal-Power-3656
Considering the local population, that is entirely likely. I went out drinking in Forks one night years ago. Some guy asked me where I was from. So I told him. His response was “You one o’ those big city fa**ots?!?” I left as soon as I finished my drink.