
t1_j8npxzk wrote

More like a two state USA where Texas politics rules Connecticut on major issues without the protection of a Written Constitution, equal Senators, the much criticised Electoral College system, or even the prospect of 'Texas' having its powers curtailed by an interventionist Supreme Court (when its not 'packed' by partisan numpties that is). :)


t1_j8np11l wrote

> It's definitely a form of federalism

No it's not. As one Conservative Politician said decades ago "Power devolved is power retained" (by the central government). That has been proved recently with EU powers that should have been automatically returned to Scotland following the Brexit shit-show were 'grabbed' by Westminster, the ignoring of the mandate the Scots Electorate gave to the SNP & SGreens to hold another Independence Referendum and the outrageous decision for to block Scottish Legislation on Gender Recognition which would bring Scotland into line with another civilised countries.

We were, however, perfidiously promised Federalism (or near to it) during the No Campaign in 2014. Needless to say that was reneged upon.
