Stairwayunicorn t1_iyp2n8x wrote
Reply to Two common drugs veterinarian use to combat parasites may be an effective way to control bed bugs on chicken farms, according to a new study by Additional-Two-7312
bedbugs come from chickens?
Stairwayunicorn t1_iyaslzr wrote
Stairwayunicorn t1_iv4zrwf wrote
Reply to comment by unsanctionedhero in Closest known black hole to Earth spotted by astronomers by lunarmoonr
I was referring to the mass
Stairwayunicorn t1_iv3b3p9 wrote
Reply to comment by zuzg in Closest known black hole to Earth spotted by astronomers by lunarmoonr
thats very small for a singularity
Stairwayunicorn t1_iuhiajb wrote
Reply to TIL that one of the most popular medieval legends about Saint Nicholas of Myra (the original basis for the legend of Santa Claus) involves him magically resurrecting three children who were murdered by an evil butcher and sold as cured meat. by themightyheptagon
whole or missing a few pounds?
Stairwayunicorn t1_iqpzng6 wrote
Reply to Chaos theory improves understanding of Arctic narwhal behavior, with the aim of helping efforts to protect this vulnerable species.They are one of the most vulnerable Arctic species due to climate change, human activity, and predation by such invasive species as killer whales. by MistWeaver80
sorry how can orcas be "invasive?"
Stairwayunicorn t1_j615ix5 wrote
Reply to TIL Lydia Angiyou, a Canadian mother, fought off a polar bear bare handed to protect her son and other children, before a hunter shot it 4 times to bring it down by Sierra-117-