StankyBo t1_iyn2whw wrote
Reply to comment by airhogg in Frontier Airlines pulls out of Burlington by airhogg
Beta takeover.
StankyBo t1_ivt36sa wrote
Reply to comment by Successful_Order_638 in Democrats and Progressives regain veto-proof majority in the Vermont House by mojitz
He's pushed a lot for housing to be built quicker, but yeah those vetos are terrible.
StankyBo t1_iuyubwo wrote
Reply to Best winter shoes to avoid falls? by schnitzelcr3ek
My college buddy from LA bought UGGs. I highly recommend it.
StankyBo t1_iuot8bp wrote
StankyBo OP t1_iuaqc9e wrote
Reply to comment by Norse-Gael-Heathen in bear scat or constipated deer? by StankyBo
Yeah- or at least berries.
StankyBo OP t1_iua7e2a wrote
Reply to comment by imfacemelting in bear scat or constipated deer? by StankyBo
Pretty rad, unlined. Pointer finger still popped thru after 50 mid-sized trees over 2 years. I work them pretty hard, but I guess they last as long as any other leather glove. Could maybe use a second layer on the tips?
StankyBo t1_iyo1ruq wrote
Reply to comment by Corey307 in Frontier Airlines pulls out of Burlington by airhogg
Maybe I'll scoop up the gate. See if I can turn it into a gateway.