
StarChild413 t1_j20lb7u wrote

so if that's true and you really want a Small Wonder reboot of any variety, just engage in some kind of "media psyop" hyping up the original in places where sites like io9/Gizmodo will take notice so it looks like a great-enough-not-needing-to-be-rebooted show that it gets rebooted


StarChild413 t1_j20kybu wrote

but the problem I see (not saying that would make an X-Files reboot impossible, it's just it's something it'd have to overcome) is you'd have to overcome how politicized a lot of conspiracy-theorist stuff has become as if the big sci-fi conspiracy metaplot stayed at least the same as how the OG X-Files one was initially set up to be you could theoretically see (although not at the same time) both sides as right-wing depending on your point of view with the conspirators for obvious reasons (as making any of those characters non-white and/or non-male would be seen as unrealistic by some given their positions) and if the aforementioned fresh agents fit the same archetypes I could see whoever's the "new Mulder" accidentally becoming something of a hero within the irl QAnon community (if that movement isn't nipped in the bud before this is made) because as they'd be fighting the government and investigating conspiracies they'd be seen as fighting for what those people believe in


StarChild413 t1_j1t3g5z wrote

but to bring up a concept I had for a Black Mirror episode if they accepted fan pitches; if they can resurrect dead entertainers how long before they cover up entertainers' deaths if the entertainers can still be useful/make money and instead of them dying you have what really actually killed them spun into a near-death experience that supposedly traumatized them so much they're not able to make a lot of non-working public appearances (conveniently until a company's totally-unrelated invention of solid holograms) and when they do come back to public life to promote all that new content they suddenly have much less controversial views than they did before the incident


StarChild413 t1_j1t2unr wrote

if it literally becomes a documentary explain the charade of making it look like a movie with actors e.g. if we need to have an actual literal Joe Bauers/Not Sure, why other than weird bootstrap bullshit that might as well mean it's a simulation too would he need to look like Luke Wilson did in the year it supposedly came out


StarChild413 t1_j12st0n wrote

> Ergo you are simply here to have non-perfect experiences.

then wouldn't that be turnable into arguing the purpose of life is to fail and never achieve anything great as if we become anything close to perfect creator god (and who did we agree with and how do we know that and that god weren't just part of something even higher) that'd defeat the purpose


StarChild413 t1_j10zxqs wrote

hopefully the new protagonists' journey lasts just as long (as I doubt they'd swap them out every season when they aren't the default game protags). Also it's been long enough that if he aged in real time and the tone (and ages of his companions) followed Ash would be 35, so yeah "your childhood" in that sense might be ending but you're not a child anymore and on a lot of levels neither is he, so don't go harshing someone else's childhood because it's not yours.

Also they probably aren't retiring Pikachu from being mascot, it's just too iconic otherwise


StarChild413 t1_izbjkk7 wrote

> finally throw off the chains of organized religion, and we as a Nation can unite around a proper Transhumanist logic based religion.

A. you do see the contradiction

B. and how do you know religious veneration of science and logic wouldn't lead to things like legally forbidding relationships where attraction hasn't been proven in a controlled experiment via physical signs


StarChild413 t1_iz49cnz wrote

but wouldn't that be invalid as (trying to be as vague as possible for reasons that should become clear) a. because torture can be psychological and the simulation theory isn't disproven we have no proof this isn't just a moot point and a sci-fi version of original sin instead of pascal's wager and b. smart AI would realize everyone doing the same job only means the project lasts as long as stored food supplies


StarChild413 t1_iz494t7 wrote

> I think the perfect situation would be like the end of The Good Place, people can stay as long as they want and do whatever but they can leave when they're ready.

I always maintain that that solution was kind of a philosophical betrayal of the rest of the series's thematic setup (I'll be happy to explain if you want)

> But also would that possibly set the world off balance? Imagine being born into a world that the same people have been in charge of for centuries before you were born. Some Altered Carbon stuff. Death is the great equalizer.

then why not just have a world where the only deaths are unnatural as people are euphemism-for-euthanized when their beliefs/ideas are proven wrong so outdated views don't hang around any longer than necessary


StarChild413 t1_iz490hw wrote

yeah but lives don't have one arc you'd have to stretch over longer runtime like movies and I'm sure (if their basic needs were otherwise provided for yada yada yada) a lot of people would want to watch infinite seasons of their favorite shows or at least they're more likely than not to prefer the show get renewed unless not only is the ending satisfying but there's no more places the story could go that the ending leaves hanging