
StarChild413 t1_j8ubnte wrote

Hopefully in the sense that real girls could modify themselves to be cat girls and fend off (perhaps with claws etc. added through modification) guys who think they're asking for it as if you're talking about the "classic" "anime totally-not-a-slave-or-pet-just-a-"domestic-companion" waifu who you could probably order as a catgirl version of your favorite anime best girl looks-and-personality-wise" archetype you'd need them to somehow be created at 18 (unless you want to give them a childhood just to take it away with "domestic training" brainwashing) in a way that wouldn't make them still too-soon-past-creation to be too young to consent and you'd need to make them stay 18 forever.


StarChild413 t1_j6wc6jo wrote

Before I clicked on the title/looked at the description I didn't think this was the water kind of floating city but more the (in terms of actual setup not regressed social values as that was a period piece this is from) Columbia from Bioshock Infinite kind


StarChild413 t1_j6egeo5 wrote

then comes some-human-in-a-period-of-time-before-this-while-humans-still-make-media making a Black-Mirror-esque plot where what appears to be some awesome portal fantasy adventure the main character goes on is actually just their AI warping a simulated world (whether it's a world that was simulated all along or AI secretly putting them in one when they had this idea) so that as soon as they had some fleeting thought about the kind of game that would be cool or w/e they were literally living the game


StarChild413 t1_j6co4n4 wrote

so are you saying it's because of the absurdity (if so, would it be theoretically possible to have a normal enough president (perhaps the closest candidate you'd support) to shift us back/retroactively affect our nature) or that a weird thought experiment joke based on something absurd from our world about that being part of a simulation proves we're in that simulation being joked about


StarChild413 t1_j6cnvmt wrote

That just leads to the demise of fandom if not worse

What I mean by worse is my idea for a Black Mirror episode if they accepted fan-submitted scripts as the tech-of-the-episode is some sort of still-wearable-on-head-but-connected-to-brain-by-reading-brainwaves device that enables its users to have all movies and TV they watch warped in this manner (and all other media that refers to them, from social media posts to actor interviews changed likewise when they see them) automatically according to what it's determined via brainwave-reading that the user wants even if they don't know what they want out of it. However the twist is thanks to a "mysterious glitch" (that the hypothetical episode would leave unclear if was deliberate vengeance-motivated sabotage or not) the devices now work on the real world for anyone who got them so they're trapped in seeing their ideal reality while actually interacting with the real reality that's seen by those who didn't get the device/dealt with canon movie/show plots e.g. someone could stay in a tiny run-down apartment with an abusive partner because they see their dream relationship in a luxury apartment and see, like, bruise-free skin and what are actually hits to outsiders manifesting to them as kisses

I came up with this idea when Black Mirror S5 got such a negative backlash it was ticking me off though it was also inspired by how fans of certain series (book, movie or TV) literally pretend installments they don't like/find problematic didn't happen so I was like, you want to "I reject your reality and substitute my echo chamber" here you go


StarChild413 t1_j58lx1u wrote

Reply to comment by ChrisGear101 in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

if you think Marvel Studios invented the multiverse theory even as it relates to fiction you're obviously not a real comic fan or at least an exclusively Marvel fan or you'd know about the history of the DC multiverse in the comics


StarChild413 t1_j58lps3 wrote

Reply to comment by tcadmn in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

> If the multiverse is infinite and traversable, there would be infinite travelers showing up in infinite locations, in every multiverse.

but also infinite obstacles in their way which could be why we wouldn't see them (if the possibility of traveling undercover doesn't mean this turns into The Egg with everyone being everyone)


StarChild413 t1_j54sszn wrote

Why does it feel like you'd be disappointed with any real-or-real-seeming fantasy world if it did have things like dungeons, elves and orcs and you had magic but you weren't essentially the main character of some isekai anime who not only has some chosen one prophecy about them but because reasons every hot babe "npc of this world" is attracted to them with the villains just being either tsundere or yandere and the older-but-not-elderly women being MILFs


StarChild413 t1_j496cpw wrote

> If time travel is possible, why aren't we seeing visitors from the future?

why do we assume it'd, like, be, people in obviously-futuristic-by-old-fashioned-sci-fi-standards clothing landing on the white house lawn during the term of a president they agree with to ask for his help preventing a disaster in our future but their past