
StarChild413 t1_itwluz4 wrote

> A common trope in properties featuring the undead is that the creature believes what they believed when they died. So, in theory, if FK was a Muslim, he wouldn't give 2 shits.

And sometimes I've seen the opposite, that regardless of any gods' reality whatever the person fighting the undead believes is what can defend them personally e.g. this old X-Men comic where the X-Men face off against Dracula and Dracula is stopped from biting Jewish X-Man Shadowcat by her star of david necklace despite being undeterred by her holding up a cross earlier


StarChild413 t1_itaoyl3 wrote

who tests the testers, also the test (as in the most common assessment used, that's another wrinkle, what to use) is highly prone to inflating scores of takers on the autism spectrum who e.g. might justify what seems like an immoral answer through either having interpreted it literally or finding a scenario where it would be good to do that and also some autistic people might over-literally interpret the narcissism questions and just treat it as common-sense evaluation of actually having a positive self-concept (believe it or not I may be autistic but I'm not speaking from my experience but some of my friends')


StarChild413 t1_itaopdj wrote

Then you'd need people in power-in-the-shadows to do the forcing-people-into-the-job who'd need A. a similar-but-not-so-similar-it's-an-infinite-regress check on their own power and B. some form of "thought police"/"mind-reading machine"/whatever to distinguish those who actually don't want it from those who want to sneak their way into power by either keeping their intentions to themselves so no one hears them want it or metaphorically yell from the rooftops lip service about how much they'd hate the job


StarChild413 t1_itaofey wrote

What if a supervillain-type engineered that but made it so not as many died as looked like did and any of the 20% that were sympathetic to their cause just got their deaths faked and themselves moved metaphorically and literally underground to assist the effort to make society "get it" from the shadows


StarChild413 t1_itao2jv wrote

If it's as simple as removing greed, how do you do that without making us so altruistic we have no sense of self-preservation and e.g. would rather give away our food to others we perceive as needing it more than eat it to live even if that's how we received the food so we all starve to death


StarChild413 t1_itanybz wrote

It'd need trials to avoid unintended consequences (like, for the first sci-fi-level one that comes to mind (be mindful of extremes even if they aren't likely bad outcomes), so much selflessness/self-denial that we die out anyway because we'd rather give away resources to others than use them to ensure our continued existence even if that's how we got those resources)


StarChild413 t1_ita5mtp wrote

> Because it would either have been horrendously bad engineered, or built by a sadist that wanted to see us suffer on purpose.

or built by someone who understands why the first Matrix failed

> and the world created by most people, left to their choices would definitely be much different to what we experience now.

Even assuming that's true it wouldn't necessarily all be something as low-stakes happy as a preschool cartoon or as wish-fulfillment as an isekai anime