
StarChild413 t1_iycaa5v wrote

friendly reminder that warp drive is allowed to be "ahead of schedule" because the lack of Eugenics Wars in the 90s and the lack of existence of Star Trek the show in its own past prove we're not in the prime timeline (doesn't mean we're in the mirror one either, the divergence point was either long before our time or at first contact depending on who you ask and if for whatever reason despite it seeming contrary to their values they had Star Trek as a show in their past they'd appear almost psychic about their encounters with prime timeline people due to having seen those episodes before)


StarChild413 t1_iybms9y wrote

I had an idea for what at least is a conceptual reboot of Cop Rock in the sense of musical police procedural, it's just since musical shows have now been able to be taken seriously mine would be less ridiculous, story-tone more like Castle and songs feeling more like the non-covers from Smash


StarChild413 t1_iy7laqt wrote

I'm a screenwriter and I hope to get the rights to make an animated movie of the The Addams Family musical once it's long enough after the latest Addams Family movie and since I think she can sing and voice acting gives more age-leeway Aubrey Plaza's actually my dream voice-casting for the musical's older depiction of Wednesday


StarChild413 t1_iwsswy1 wrote

> There's no way to be sure your "consciousness" doesn't die every night and wake up as a new person who thinks they are you every morning.

and therefore no way to be sure any number of those don't wake up in a simulation etc. making any dreams of uploading the perceived continuous "you" moot as you could be already there


StarChild413 t1_ivw6m8h wrote

reminds me of this one video I saw of a Poketuber trying to use one of these AI art generators and the Pokemon they wanted to created turned out fine but every time they were trying to make the human characters and got a female one, she had an ample bosom or at least bosom focus from the picture's "camera angle" and one picture was a literal upskirt shot


StarChild413 t1_itx3jb1 wrote

But the question (other than why would it treat us like this if not for an infinite regress compelled by our treatment meaning they'd fall victim to this at the hands of our own creations and which species would it treat us like or would it do them all in proportion) is if we stopped treating the animals that way would AI only stop after the same amount of time