
StarblindMark89 t1_j90tpf0 wrote

Your comment reminds me of the fact that, at least up until I was a teenager in the early noughts, the local priest used to come to each house to bless them inside with an aspergillum and a censer (but it might have been a censer looking thing full of holy water).

You had to give permission, but I remember insisting to my parents that I didn't want them to do so, because I was worried that in his zeal he'd get too carried away and hit my pc with holy water.

PCs, especially older ones that were already on their last legs, don't need to be satanic to not play well with holy water thrown at the case.


StarblindMark89 t1_j4mbqw9 wrote

And yet Europe helped you out with your middle Eastern "adventure", losing men.

And besides, do you honestly think that the US is doing all of that to help out? The only reason your government is fine with European countries not hitting the target is because what you get out of it is more important than money (which is not even used for the defense of Europe): you have staging areas for whatever you need to do, you have easy access to new spheres of influences.

Unless you honestly believe that all of the nato thing is legitimately "to protect Europe in exchange of money" and nothing more... But that'd mean you're very naïve