StarryEyedBeardog t1_j9y4pe9 wrote
Reply to comment by domestic_omnom in [OC] Latin America is the 3rd most democratic region in the world, ahead of Asia and Africa. Here’s where its countries stand: by latinometrics
There's a historic argument that the lack of spanish/portuguese institutions during colonialism in these regions was good for their long-term development. Chile, Uruguay and Costa Rica were some of the most ignored and poorest parts of the spanish/portuguese/brazilian empires (Uruguay used to be a brazilian province prior to independence), thus did not inherit the extractivist, cast-based and elite-oriented institutions of the spanish as much as their neighbors, these institutions, one could argue, would be the start of the corruption problems and political strife between the elites that haunts/haunted much of Latin America throughout it's history.
Thus, Chile, Uruguay, and Costa Rica were able to build up their own institutions in a manor that favored development more in the long term and made corruption less present.
StarryEyedBeardog t1_j9uig5q wrote
Reply to comment by Osouturff in Brazil’s Lula Intensifies Diplomatic Push for Peace in Ukraine by batmaninwonderland
I must have misremendered, thanks for the correction
StarryEyedBeardog t1_j9u5iuu wrote
The next few months of this war will be the most decisive yet, as russian conscripts now make their military force in the region larger than Ukraine's. This peace deal lies on if Ukraine or Russia trust they will be able to fully win such a war. If neither believe in an achievable victory, they'll come to the table.
Brazil wants to gain international goodwill by positioning itself as the mediator of such a peace if it occurs. As a foubding member of BRICS, and the most pro US/Europe member of BRICS currently, Itamaraty is trying to position itself in such a way to booster future foreign policy objectives of Brazil, like renegotiating it's OECD entry application, Mercosur-EU free trade treaty, objectives in Africa and Latin America, and UNSC permanent seat objetctives.
Ukraine itself has backed Brazil's proposal at the UN, with Lula having 2 conversations with Zelensky in the past week, so this isn't a long shot. Though I should add that the situation might change quickly depending on who and what is brought to the table and which demands are made.
StarryEyedBeardog t1_j66orq2 wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating-Break318 in Farming Destroyed Brazil’s Rain Forests. It Could Also Save Them by nothingarc
There would need to be monetary incentive for that. The only ethical way of doing so would be for all member states of the UN, or at least the richest ones, to chip into a conditional fund (the condition being no more deflorestation/reflorestation) of enough value to offset the incentives of developing the land. That's not likely to happen, so environmentalists are trying to look for other methods to do so, like carbon credit, reforesting unused lands outside the amazon, and incentivizing eco-friendly/better industries and agricultural production (biomedical research, nature tourism, more sustainable forms of farming)
StarryEyedBeardog t1_j1wwugm wrote
Reply to comment by ThiagoBaisch in Bolsonaro's call to arms inspired foiled Brazil bomb plot, police are told by DELAIZ
Depends, there have been more than one plots/group of explosive material found as of today, one of them was targeting a fuel truck at the brasilia international airport
StarryEyedBeardog t1_ja0ua3j wrote
Reply to comment by arturocan in [OC] Latin America is the 3rd most democratic region in the world, ahead of Asia and Africa. Here’s where its countries stand: by latinometrics
Yes, I wasn't trying to say that Uruguay lacked brazilian institutions or that Uruguay had a lesser focus by the spanish empire because of Brazil, I just added that as an extra fact