
Status_Silver_5114 t1_j68i74f wrote

Ex NYer here. Bagel gourmet. One on Thayer one on meeting st and another I think on Richmond (or used to be?). Artisan bagels around here are all meh. Ditto their sandwiches. BG is closest to an nyc egg and cheese and b (or s) you’ll find.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j68d7sc wrote

Not knowing where a school is is not an excuse to speed. City speed limits are 25 anyway (only 5 above school zone limit) and to get a ticket you have to be doing 29/30 anyway so you were already speeding that’s the reality. So leadfoot still applies. Blaming signage is just an excuse.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j61ku0a wrote

Love it. Have lived on both coasts and internationally. Reddit is a very very very small subset of any given population. I will say Rhode Island as a whole breeds a special sort of online crank (peruse the comments section on globe Ri section or Dan McGowans ri politics page). So there’s that. But the scale of the city is great. Arts / food scene. The ocean. Slightly more parochial In the suburbs than I’d like? Sure. But that’s why I’m in the city.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5wovt9 wrote

This has always been a big part of the test in all kinds of states. I think it speaks to a) city driving and b) control of your car and spatial awareness. The driver is in control of a hunk of steel that can kill. They need to show they can manuver it.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5tlm0y wrote

Because it's called driving around for 40 years and basically seeing the trend die out? Waze does it for you. Who is going to spend money on this when the answer it's something that's gone out of style specifically re the cop thing? Flashing for passing and intersections (as well as tailgating assholes) is still a thing but the idea that it's one if by land 2 if by sea is not widely used. It's just flashing. Or not. And rarely for cops because the apps have taken over.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5tix13 wrote

No but I think that's what folks are saying. I've been seeing it for years and because I'm a certain age, I know what people are "trying" to say but it's stopped being a thing for many people so it's not going to suddenly sink in NOW after dying off as common practice for decades. As someone else also pointed out, many new cars have "auto" settings that go on and off to high beams or on and off altogether because the sensors in their cars are doing it automatically so you're seeing a lot more automatic flashes that defeat the purpose. When I learned to drive in the 80s, flashing lights ONLY meant that. It's just stopped being a thing for all of the above reasons so you'd be 100% fighting a losing battle here. But you can sure try! I think most people also get their cop info from phone apps anyway which IMHO is very reliable (at least with Waze). It isn't about police brutality, it's about we're all doing something that now is for middle aged/old people and past the point of being adopted again.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5thswn wrote

If no one knows why you're doing it and you're just flashing lights and most people aren't making the connection (or not thinking it's worth it) - how are you going to "teach" people. I think the thing got ingrained in those of us of a certain age at drivers ed time but if that isn't happening now, unless you plan on going on tik tok and being widely successful - making it a "thing" is a ship that has sailed.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5t8em0 wrote

But use of that particular FORM (the several pages of checklist) is not. Disclosures go in MLs like they go anywhere (not just RI). And saying “unknown” is an answer to a disclosure. A seller not having that form when it’s on market is not unusual. That’s my point. Only some sellers (or agents who require their sellers) both in RI and MA as well use that kind of form. Lots of times it’s just disclosed in the disclosure box on the mls listing or in the PS amendments once they agree. But if it’s a fsbo I’d be even more wary - or a flipper acting as the agent.