
Status_Silver_5114 t1_j01u6e6 wrote

Reply to comment by NinjaSant4 in Overnight tickets by jaymzcb

But they won’t ticket unless you call the providence police number. This is direct quote from the providence police supervisor - unless you call PPD between 1-5am - no one is going to ticket a car. They aren’t driving around all night looking for ticketing oops. It’s purely a dispatched only situation.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j01ko1g wrote

Yeah it’s called Massachusetts. So a bit of a deceptive figure. I mean it includes Boston but also Newport Creamery and Target in Seekonk. Or anyone working in the other direction (New London etc).


Status_Silver_5114 t1_izus6vt wrote

Reply to comment by Wilkey88 in Overnight tickets by jaymzcb

On east side - it’s not heavily enforced actually. Only if someone gets on the phone ……. Otherwise zero enforcement (and this is directly from the police themselves when we had someone block our garbage cans for a month. Don’t get me started on why they can’t get to the garbage cans with cars parked like every other city can……)


Status_Silver_5114 t1_izurxsn wrote

Parking actually only gets ticketed in the neighborhood (per a chat with the police desk) if someone actually calls and complains about - between 1am and 5am. You can’t call outside of those hours to complain about overnighting - they won’t bother. Which leads me to view this as an ill thought out half Oakes money grab rather than any concern with quality of life either way. Someone called the cops that’s why you got a ticket.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_izlht7z wrote

We did it several years ago and since we had (non working bht still present knob and tube) we couldn’t get the insulation and the rest of the stuff they did at the end of the day re air flow didn’t make a difference (whatever they tested using scientific instruments didn’t change). So we have a basement with lots of weird insulation (the foam stuff) piped in places that apparently doesn’t do anything. So find out if you have any knob and tube anywhere inside and don’t bother if it does until you get it removed.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_izdvsgn wrote

Reply to comment by darkrom in F*ck you RI Energy! by ClnclyDprsd420

We took a loan out for it and it was less than our elec bill. We paid it off in two years. But even without that the knowledge that our power was coming from solar only was a huge weight off our shoulders (and pocket book as rates just continues to rise) so while it wasn’t “free” from day one using those standards still 100% worth it. And systems have gotten cheaper and the solar credit from the feds went up to 30% (was 26 when we bought I think) so it’s even cheaper. And battery storage is likewise cheaper now - not to mention RIE will pay you to use your battery (we’re getting our battery this winter) and that basically pays for itself over the next 3-4 years. Very few people in the city that I know had to actually remove any trees (which may speak more to there being a shortage of trees in PVd than anything!) - have 15 neighbors who have gone solar since we did and no one had to do that. I think folks get intimidated by thinking they need a huge chunk of money and they have to finance ergo don’t make it happen. But it’s just renaming your rising electric bill for a fixed payment (and there’s a lot more financing options now than there were in 2016) and it’s still coming out of your wallet if you don’t make the shift so why not? You won’t actually be saving any money if you don’t do it.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_izcgqiu wrote

Reply to comment by darkrom in F*ck you RI Energy! by ClnclyDprsd420

You’re already paying the money. We paid a dollar less per month for those costs until we paid it off so literally was already saving money from day 1. “Breaking even” isn’t the mentality here. Paying in a certain (ever rising) amount to RIE is baked in unless you go solar. You’ll break even at current rates even sooner than we did if that’s your concern.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iz2i9fm wrote

I’m sorry your daughter is sick! Sending healing vibes to your family! Hope she has a wonderful birthday. Also eventide in Wellfleet has a big pool and in the off season it’s usually pretty empty! And their rooms are (relatively) cheap. It’s a hike but Wellfleet is lovely.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_iywl2kd wrote

If you mean clean = no seaweed welcome to New England. Not as nice as outer cape / CC National seashore or parts of Maine but also not as cold as Maine and defo nicer than CT beaches!

But comparing beaches in different temperature zones is foolish anyway. There’s stunning beaches in Ireland for example that beat Florida by a mile but it’s not warm. I hate any kind of beach next to overdevelooed areas / condo towers for example so going to Florida is the last thing I’d want to do for a beach.