
Status_Silver_5114 t1_j6zgwm3 wrote

Yes the whole point is Not because it’s actually cheaper but that you can (tada) budget the amount instead of sticker shock when the temp drops or AC goes in. And they aren’t currently charging for credit card use so use that method of payment and get your credit card rewards du jour if that’s something you want (cash back).


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j6pf6kq wrote

Reply to Solar by jfenim

Several folks have asked this in the last few months. Search the /r. And it’s totally worth it! Haven’t had an elex bill since 2016.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j6d2fmu wrote

Yes I have and no the texture is wrong. Same thing with PVd bagels / my bagel should taste like a bagel not a roll. It was bad every time I went so I stopped going @rebelle. Maybe they’ve started to err in the wrong direction (like seven stars does with their brittle croissants) - either way that’s not a bagel. BG is spot on.

(Also - “have you even tried them”? No I just sit on Reddit and make up replies. What kind of a rebuttal is that?)


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j6azqzn wrote

I’m saying city speed limits in generally are 25 unless posted otherwise so by going above that regardless of signage is making a choice to speed. Unless you know you’re in a 30+ you’re just being a reckless driver by choice and deserve a ticket. But you know that and just want carte Blanche to drive like a jerk and somehow get off with no consequence.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j69drqu wrote

Reply to comment by glass_star in Favorite RI bagels? by fill-in-theblank

Oh totally. The more the better. But really would be surprised if meeting st one becomes permanent without a huge reno inside. Space isn’t set up well right now. But that’s also been the space that can never hold a business (excluding gourmet heaven stealing wages they brought that on themselves).


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j69chve wrote

Reply to comment by glass_star in Favorite RI bagels? by fill-in-theblank

Meeting st location is the replacement (likely temp) for brook st since Brown knocked down the strip that was in. Also whenever I’ve gone to meeting st they usually have already run out of things compared to the Thayer one. So the parking spot at MS is nice but not worth it.