
StepOfficer t1_iudmcp8 wrote

Respectfully and in my humble opinion, $550k in retirement for two individuals (since your spouse doesn't work permanently) will not be enough to sustain both of you without returning back to the workforce.

It's also important to mention that you alone earn a very healthy income. Possibly entering your highest earning years if not we'll into your highest earning years. If you exit the workforce, depending on the length of time out of the workforce, you may not be able to return at the same pay level.

I completely understand wanting to get away and living in a Caribbean resort for the majority of the year. I can't imagine most people wouldn't want that. However, this will inevitably have a cost associated with it. Is it one time, yearly, 'X' amount up front, 'y' amount for 10 years then your costs go down? How is this payment structured. I'm concerned that having $550k plus indulging in a vacation club might quickly eat away your savings. What would you do for your time not living in the Caribbean? How much do you owe on your house? What's your monthly mortgage? Can you reasonably afford both the vacation club as well as a mortgage?

I would highly encourage you to stick it out through these next potential cuts. If you aren't let go then perhaps try to stick it out a little longer. Then have a candid conversation with your employer about going part time while remaining remote. Who says you can't be remote from an island? I met a couple last week while on vacation, the husband is remote for Microsoft and was enjoying his time on St. Kitts.

If your company isn't willing to work with you, perhaps you can seek other employment on the premise that it will be 100% remote, and less than a full time. I wouldn't fully count on the estimated $500k inheritance until it is physically in your accounts.

This may have given you more questions than answers and probably wasn't as helpful as I should have been. Others will inevitably chime in and their perspectives are usually spot on.