StonksGuy3000 t1_jan1jbt wrote
Reply to comment by totoop in City to introduce Providence Community Electricity Program, offer electricity at lower rates than Rhode Island Energy by relbatnrut
That was my first question too, and it’s a fair one, but obviously the rate will never be guaranteed indefinitely. Only time will tell whether it’s a great deal or not
StonksGuy3000 t1_jaay3ow wrote
Reply to comment by PsychologicalAgent64 in Strip Club in Western Mass Wants To Convert Into 'Topless Dispensary,' Purportedly 1st In State by HoldenGambles
I said no such thing
StonksGuy3000 t1_jaaun3r wrote
Reply to comment by PsychologicalAgent64 in Strip Club in Western Mass Wants To Convert Into 'Topless Dispensary,' Purportedly 1st In State by HoldenGambles
Yeah, I got that. My point was that since they’re two completely unrelated points, it’s kinda weird to bring up the housing value part of it. Your post made it seem like it’s causal
StonksGuy3000 t1_jaanop5 wrote
Reply to comment by PsychologicalAgent64 in Strip Club in Western Mass Wants To Convert Into 'Topless Dispensary,' Purportedly 1st In State by HoldenGambles
I agree with your the majority of your point, but the last sentence is a bit superfluous. Housing is up significantly almost everywhere in the last 3 years, whether an area recently legalized or not. Might have something to do with us just printing trillions of dollars like it’s nothing
StonksGuy3000 t1_j96jvel wrote
Reply to comment by kbd77 in $27M grant could finish Providence's bike lane network, but Smiley noncommittal by lestermagnum
Tbf, he didn’t really even do anything yet. You just don’t like him. Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with taking extra time to reevaluate everything and make sure it’s done right the first time.
A few years ago, the city added speed humps to my street. Within a year, they had to be redone. The idea was fine, but the execution was awful. I’d rather we identify any potential issues before using tons of $$$
StonksGuy3000 t1_j960arc wrote
Reply to comment by kbd77 in $27M grant could finish Providence's bike lane network, but Smiley noncommittal by lestermagnum
I’m quite familiar with it, thanks. It has been discussed numerous times. Id like to point out that you can still end up with someone who was not the first choice of 50%+. People will be salty about the result if they dont get who they wanted
StonksGuy3000 t1_j93u84v wrote
Reply to comment by kbd77 in $27M grant could finish Providence's bike lane network, but Smiley noncommittal by lestermagnum
No other candidate had a higher %, so it doesn’t seem that crazy to me
StonksGuy3000 t1_j75bo9l wrote
Reply to comment by dvestisorok240 in Chess club? by dvestisorok240
I haven’t played bughouse in 15-20 years, but I remember it always being awesome. Nowadays, I tend to just play blitz games online, but a local chess group sounds awesome
StonksGuy3000 t1_j75baxf wrote
Reply to comment by listen_youse in providence urban trail network funding by jconti1233
The businesses didn’t want it. The residents didn’t want it. And it made more sense to have the bike trail be on a less busy, parallel street. But that apparently wasn’t satisfying enough?
StonksGuy3000 t1_j48rsfu wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Medical in Chomp, any location (not my startpack) by JuciestDingleBerry
I’m fine with this proposal. Let’s pitch it to Chomp
StonksGuy3000 t1_j47rprt wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Medical in Chomp, any location (not my startpack) by JuciestDingleBerry
I think it’s nice to offer a cheaper option for people, but it deserves at least a sarcastic groan when someone is considering the full list and then opts for a ‘Gansett
StonksGuy3000 t1_j42v35h wrote
Reply to comment by GoxBoxSocks in Chomp, any location (not my startpack) by JuciestDingleBerry
Tbf, I feel like the groan was called for
StonksGuy3000 t1_iw4gcw6 wrote
Reply to comment by TwinFinTriggerFish in Laws concerning owning fish by TwinFinTriggerFish
I’m curious, what’s the reasoning for wanting sharks in the first place? I presume you won’t be swimming with them.
StonksGuy3000 t1_iw48t0c wrote
Reply to Laws concerning owning fish by TwinFinTriggerFish
And here I am thinking it was weird that my neighbors had chickens
StonksGuy3000 t1_ivvhqvw wrote
Reply to if anyone finds the $100 bill I dropped at Stop and Shop in middletown...just keep it. by stalequeef69
There’s a special seat in heaven with your name on it, stalequeef69
StonksGuy3000 OP t1_ivrkujb wrote
Reply to comment by Mountain_Bill5743 in Thoughts on new RI Treasurer, James Diossa? by StonksGuy3000
To my knowledge, Lathrop didn’t carry any baggage though so perhaps he had the qualifications and a clean past
StonksGuy3000 OP t1_ivrkl7f wrote
Reply to comment by 3-Inch-Hog in Thoughts on new RI Treasurer, James Diossa? by StonksGuy3000
Interesting. Care to elaborate?
StonksGuy3000 OP t1_ivrcyse wrote
Reply to comment by brick1972 in Thoughts on new RI Treasurer, James Diossa? by StonksGuy3000
I haven’t downvoted anyone in this particular thread at least.
And I didn't mean to imply that the Treasurer is responsible for the state’s budget, just that he should have a strong understanding of it and be able to oversee spending. Lathrop’s site also says he has experience helping to manage the South Kingston school trust, and investment management of public funds is one role that the state Treasurer is responsible for. While I agree business experience isn’t a necessity, but my guess is that most state Treasurers have a fair amount.
StonksGuy3000 OP t1_ivr0r05 wrote
Reply to comment by GotenRocko in Thoughts on new RI Treasurer, James Diossa? by StonksGuy3000
It may not be a 1:1 translation, but I think business experience certainly helps. I don’t view them quite as differently as you make it seem. Sure, the state isn’t trying to maximize profits the same way a corporation is, but it's still looking for ways to collect revenues and control expenses to ensure long-term viability. And a thorough understanding of financial statements and accounting principles doesn’t hurt.
StonksGuy3000 OP t1_ivqkow5 wrote
Reply to comment by overthehillhat in Thoughts on new RI Treasurer, James Diossa? by StonksGuy3000
Definitely not an easy job to come in as mayor of a bankrupt city in your late 20s and have to try to turn things around and make the most of it
StonksGuy3000 t1_ivm9vq9 wrote
Reply to comment by KDOGGG196 in Anybody else not have the option to vote for Fung or Magaziner? by KDOGGG196
Not how the House of Reps works
StonksGuy3000 t1_ivkuk1d wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
Well, we gave you some unbiased answers, so hopefully that helps. Without knowing the full context of your experience, I and everyone else seemingly concluded that you shouldn’t be concerned about election fraud based on the available evidence.
StonksGuy3000 t1_ivklsaz wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
>it got me wondering, is there not some kind of fraud happening there?
Is this not an accusation in your mind?
If you'd like a more succinct answer to your question, it's as follows: NO
StonksGuy3000 t1_ivkeyab wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
I thought you just saw one person voting with FL plates, not 100.
StonksGuy3000 t1_jaxtj6g wrote
Reply to comment by NoMoreCircles in Advice re: renting and real estate agency by Odd-Cartographer-379
An agent from Samson represented the seller when I bought my house and gave me kinda weird vibes. Didn’t feel like the most trustworthy people