StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6kvedk wrote
Reply to comment by obsesivegamer in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
It’s a Tesla, so it gets clicks. If it were a Bolt nobody would care.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6kv96j wrote
Reply to comment by rancid_bass in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
Any of the Ys bought in January were built in December, well before the price drops.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6kuyh0 wrote
Reply to comment by rpd9803 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
I have a Y and a 3. My 3 had some minor cosmetic issues when I picked it up, Service Center fixed it and that was that. My Y, built in Austin, is perfect. Coming from a 2018 CTS and Grand Cherokee, I’d say the Y and 3 are on par quality wise. The materials are somewhere in the middle, but the seats are damn comfortable for the price range.
But the best part of any EV is the power and convenience, and that’s really the reason I went with Tesla. Nobody can touch the range and the Superchargers are the best until EA catches up.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jt475 wrote
Reply to comment by stickman07738 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
Lol ok buckaroo.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6js6k9 wrote
Reply to comment by stickman07738 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
I don’t keep cars over 10 years, let alone 3 lol.
And no, I’m not an AI. At least I don’t think I am.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jrx1v wrote
Reply to comment by You_Are_All_Diseased in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
It’s pretty annoying. Yes, I own two, but I also recognize when Tesla does stupid shit. The steering wheel falling off is stupid and also extremely dangerous. That being said, yeah they fixed it under warranty lol.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jrlxv wrote
Reply to comment by Educational_Paint987 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
You missed the point.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jqprf wrote
Reply to comment by stickman07738 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
You’re comparing ICE vehicles, which are very complex machines, to EVs which are inherently simple. An electric motor is frictionless. PCBs are easily replaced. Batteries are also simple.
Also, how’s the rust on your Ram? Have you averaged out how much that truck has and will cost you over its lifetime?
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jketi wrote
Reply to comment by stickman07738 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
I’m sorry to hear that. EVs, over the course of their lifetimes, are cheaper to keep on the road. There is very little maintenance required since there are very few moving parts.
Yes the batteries are expensive, but that’s only because BEVs and hybrids have not been the norm. Now that they’re mainstream, the incentive for battery recycling is now on the table. Tesla is already working it at GigaTexas and other manufacturers are looking into it.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jjfo3 wrote
Reply to comment by stickman07738 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
They already fixed it. Also, how much is Shell paying you to defend oil? I hope you’re not doing it for free!
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jilpc wrote
Reply to comment by Rusty_Ferberger in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
Oh please. I sure hope you don’t drive a VW or a Ford then!
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jic35 wrote
Reply to comment by 0x11C3P in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
The service team probably didn’t close it yet. That happened to me once, I went to pick up the car but it said I owed a couple hundred on a warranty related issue. I was about to ask the service manager about it but he had already cleared it.
Despite what most people say, Tesla Service is actually really good, especially the Eatontown and Princeton locations.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jhlyi wrote
Reply to comment by stickman07738 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
What does battery replacement have to do with this?
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6jgzof wrote
Reply to comment by stickman07738 in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6hnk21 wrote
Reply to comment by Artystrong1 in After viewing the Tyre Nichols murder videos, are there any police reform protests happening in New Jersey this weekend? by billmurrayspokenword
Port Authority cops are legit, respectful and professional. All cops should be like Port Authority cops.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6hnew0 wrote
Reply to comment by ilovemytvalot in After viewing the Tyre Nichols murder videos, are there any police reform protests happening in New Jersey this weekend? by billmurrayspokenword
Wow, that’s stupid. “There’s been a lot of violence against brown people, so let’s just stop enforcing vehicle safety standards as an olive branch!” Talk about not getting anything done.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6hmvmh wrote
Reply to comment by The0Walrus in What is the most accurate and detailed water test ? by The0Walrus
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6hi9or wrote
Reply to comment by njdba in Firebomb thrown at N.J. synagogue. No injuries, minimal damage reported. by Firsttimeredditor28
With a Totenkopf on his SSweater.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j69rt23 wrote
Reply to comment by outcome--independent in Bruno the cat returned to an NJ shelter for being 'too affectionate,' has a new home by JVortex888
My Cocker Spaniel, although not a cat, is black. When we met the rescue they said they had a bunch of people that wouldn’t take him because he’s black. That’s their loss though, because he is such an amazing dog! If only he’d stop bullying our new puppy that’s twice his size lol.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j639uiy wrote
Reply to comment by TreacheryInc in HoloLens AR actually makes soldiers less lethal, soldiers hate it | Report comes after Microsoft lays off various VR/AR employees by BlueLightStruct
Carrying around extra kit that provides no value on the battlefield makes you less lethal.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j5yzhwd wrote
Reply to comment by JustNutsandBolts in What would you miss most about NJ if you went elsewhere? by joe_digriz
Based on my wants and needs, yes it’s best for me. Why are you being such a dick?
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j5yz01n wrote
Reply to comment by JustNutsandBolts in What would you miss most about NJ if you went elsewhere? by joe_digriz
No, I mean NJ is the best place to live.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j5ylums wrote
Reply to comment by llamasnkiwi in To solar or not to solar? by Bodymindisoneword
I used EnergySage to research what panels would fit my need in ideal circumstances and just for general research. It’s a good tool for a conscious consumer to get a grasp of what’s what. I ended up not getting solar only because of the composition of my roof (metal shingles, super cool but nobody will touch it lol) but at least I know what to go for when I eventually do an addition and change the roof to a standing seam.
I did have a few companies come out to give estimates before they all said no way with the roof and they were pleasantly surprised when I had some knowledge of what I was looking at. One company in particular was trying to sell me a brand I knew was leaving the PV market, so when I opted to ask for an alternate brand (Panasonic) they were happy to help me price it out and ended up being cheaper. But, no solar for me until I do that addition lol.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j5yat18 wrote
Reply to comment by llamasnkiwi in To solar or not to solar? by Bodymindisoneword
This is a good opportunity to plug Use them to find local installers. Definitely finance or purchase your panels.
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j6l5dzx wrote
Reply to comment by rancid_bass in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
That’s not how Tesla does it. Most every Y sold in January was a December build