Strazdas1 t1_issweva wrote
Reply to comment by tiregroove in Ultrathin polymer-based ordered membranes that effectively remove salt from seawater and brine could provide a promising alternative to existing water desalination systems by giuliomagnifico
how about, and i know this is a radical thought, put the salt back where you pumped it from?
Strazdas1 t1_issc7v4 wrote
Reply to comment by SpartanEngineer92 in Hair straightening chemicals associated with higher uterine cancer risk by BoundariesAreFun
because they arent beautiful nor practical?
Strazdas1 t1_issc5en wrote
Reply to comment by UrbanDryad in Hair straightening chemicals associated with higher uterine cancer risk by BoundariesAreFun
The opposite is true. Most common GMO strains need less pesticides/herbicides because they are engineered to be resistant to some bugs/diseases.
Strazdas1 t1_is0f8qz wrote
Reply to comment by Eskanasi in New study explores the sexual attitudes and characteristics of OnlyFans users by nikan69
For a system with 175 million users, assuming you somehow can get the survey of of a good distribution (not just students in US) you start at 2000-3000 datapoints and go up if you want above 95% confidence.
Strazdas1 t1_is0cd57 wrote
Reply to comment by Endoroid99 in New study explores the sexual attitudes and characteristics of OnlyFans users by nikan69
>Onlyfans is kind of like interactive porn.
And thats not a good thing. It leads to parsocial relationships that have severe negative effects of your psychology.
Strazdas1 t1_is0ca0y wrote
Reply to comment by spoobydoo in New study explores the sexual attitudes and characteristics of OnlyFans users by nikan69
Horny not allowed. Objectification and stuff.
Strazdas1 t1_is0c3ib wrote
Reply to comment by underwaterpizza in New study explores the sexual attitudes and characteristics of OnlyFans users by nikan69
Thats all fine as long as you dont start parasocial relationships, which unfortunately onlyfans encourage.
Strazdas1 t1_is0c05c wrote
Reply to comment by bdub939 in New study explores the sexual attitudes and characteristics of OnlyFans users by nikan69
So, like literally everyone on reddit?
Strazdas1 t1_is0bxdl wrote
Reply to comment by DarkTreader in New study explores the sexual attitudes and characteristics of OnlyFans users by nikan69
>Oh, look at that? People who use porn are no different than you and me?
I mean, how would they be, everyone use porn.
Strazdas1 t1_is0ao8h wrote
Reply to comment by WelcomeTheLahar in Study shows that one-party monopolies dominate politics of American states by Additional-Two-7312
Its not good, because everything is done for the swing states and the rest are ignored.
Strazdas1 t1_is0a6cq wrote
Reply to comment by jimihughes in Cooperative sperm outrun loners in the mating race. In simulated reproductive tracts of animals like cattle and humans, the behavior increases the chances that groups of cooperative bovine sperm will outpace meandering loners as they race to fertilize a female egg cell, physicists report. by MistWeaver80
They dont cooperate though. they literally ride other spermatozoids to save energy for their own run. If you call spermatozoids being programmed then they are programmed to benefit from the toil of others.
Strazdas1 t1_is0a1th wrote
Reply to Cooperative sperm outrun loners in the mating race. In simulated reproductive tracts of animals like cattle and humans, the behavior increases the chances that groups of cooperative bovine sperm will outpace meandering loners as they race to fertilize a female egg cell, physicists report. by MistWeaver80
So, group sex normalization when?
Strazdas1 t1_is08b6n wrote
Reply to comment by Low-iq-haikou in For children who had a major stroke to the left hemisphere of their brain within days of their birth, the infant's brain was 'plastic' enough for the right hemisphere to acquire the language abilities ordinarily handled by the left side while also maintaining its own language abilities as well. by Wagamaga
It is. The more we do research the more i think we just need to find a way to synthesize stem cells and find a way to start injecting ourselves with it. It basically overcomes any injury.
Strazdas1 t1_is0841i wrote
Reply to comment by GreenJasmine_Tea in For children who had a major stroke to the left hemisphere of their brain within days of their birth, the infant's brain was 'plastic' enough for the right hemisphere to acquire the language abilities ordinarily handled by the left side while also maintaining its own language abilities as well. by Wagamaga
> Emilia Clarke
Given that her career basically started with game of thones, what was her personality before the aneurysms?
Strazdas1 t1_irzvwc7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Heavy-load exercise in older adults activates vasculogenesis and has a stronger impact on muscle gene expression than in young adults (Oct 2022) by basmwklz
I agree with you, but i wanted to understand where the commenter was coming from.
Strazdas1 t1_irrh183 wrote
Reply to comment by jsinkwitz in Heavy-load exercise in older adults activates vasculogenesis and has a stronger impact on muscle gene expression than in young adults (Oct 2022) by basmwklz
Do people really find exercise enjoyable? I do it because its healthy, but its never enjoyable.
Strazdas1 t1_irr72ab wrote
Reply to comment by jsinkwitz in Heavy-load exercise in older adults activates vasculogenesis and has a stronger impact on muscle gene expression than in young adults (Oct 2022) by basmwklz
Pushups isnt a "Starting point" for a lot of people. You already need to have some muscle mass to even be able to do it. I remmeber a time when i was physically unable to do so.
Strazdas1 t1_irr6v3d wrote
Reply to comment by plentyofsilverfish in Heavy-load exercise in older adults activates vasculogenesis and has a stronger impact on muscle gene expression than in young adults (Oct 2022) by basmwklz
Can you explain that stating you loose muscle mass if you choose not to exercise is ableist?
Strazdas1 t1_irr6osh wrote
Reply to comment by throwawaytrumper in Heavy-load exercise in older adults activates vasculogenesis and has a stronger impact on muscle gene expression than in young adults (Oct 2022) by basmwklz
Anecdotally, i see a lot of people in construction being forced to retirement due to back injuries in the 40-50 age group.
Strazdas1 t1_irr6k6n wrote
Reply to comment by SemanticTriangle in Heavy-load exercise in older adults activates vasculogenesis and has a stronger impact on muscle gene expression than in young adults (Oct 2022) by basmwklz
>what do we say to the god of death?
How soon?
Strazdas1 t1_ir8xy4n wrote
Reply to comment by rush-jet in An obscure family of viruses, already endemic in wild African primates and known to cause fatal Ebola-like symptoms in some monkeys, is “poised for spillover” to humans, according to a new research by giuliomagnifico
Good to know were on the same wavelength then :)
Strazdas1 t1_ir5245h wrote
Reply to comment by nadmaximus in The interplay between adolescents’ Internet addiction and family-related factors: researchers identified three common patterns, and in no one the adolescents’ addiction was below minimal risk, we advocate the need to train parents along with adolescents on healthy technology use by giuliomagnifico
Isnt gambling addiction on the internet still just gambling addiction? The issue is mostly that on the internet its very hard to regulate gambling.
Strazdas1 t1_ir4sdn9 wrote
Reply to comment by mother-of-pod in There is a deep desire of people with cognitive decline to be connected and stay engaged in a meaningful everyday life. Everyday Experiences of People Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Scoping Review by mightx
In my opinion people with the severest mental decline tend to have the strongest desire to engage in public opinion and have lost all pretense at nuance.
Strazdas1 t1_ir4ih44 wrote
Reply to comment by Sword_Thain in An obscure family of viruses, already endemic in wild African primates and known to cause fatal Ebola-like symptoms in some monkeys, is “poised for spillover” to humans, according to a new research by giuliomagnifico
and then cooking the instruments you used to dig the ground up with. and then cooking the human that handled the instruments. because the prions simply wont come off.
Strazdas1 t1_isswq5l wrote
Reply to comment by ArmadilloReasonable9 in Ultrathin polymer-based ordered membranes that effectively remove salt from seawater and brine could provide a promising alternative to existing water desalination systems by giuliomagnifico
noone needs to salt thier roads. Its a terrible practice that destroys cars, shoes and plantlife that this brine gets onto. Just use small gravel like norway does.