Strazdas1 t1_iwp9vnx wrote
Reply to comment by AcademicGuest in New psychology research rebuts Sigmund Freud's "wrecked by success" hypothesis: People with exceptionally successful careers tend to be healthier than their less successful peers by HeinieKaboobler
no, hes know for unconciuosness theory and spearheading psychoanalysis. Also not known for but he was the first psychiatrist who tried to expose spousal abuse and got shut down by the establishment.
Strazdas1 t1_iwp9sch wrote
Reply to comment by Any_Geologist9302 in New psychology research rebuts Sigmund Freud's "wrecked by success" hypothesis: People with exceptionally successful careers tend to be healthier than their less successful peers by HeinieKaboobler
Anyone who took an intro psych class has only see n a caricature version of Freud. Mainstream psychology is based on psychoanalisis which was started by Freud.
Strazdas1 t1_iwp9nrn wrote
Reply to comment by tornpentacle in New psychology research rebuts Sigmund Freud's "wrecked by success" hypothesis: People with exceptionally successful careers tend to be healthier than their less successful peers by HeinieKaboobler
>Everything Freud ever said (except one thing) has been thoroughly refuted, debunked, and ridiculed by genuine empirical science.
You mean to say a caricature of everything Freud ever said has been refuted, debunked and rodiculed by science that turned out to be false (see seratonin theory for example).
Strazdas1 t1_iwkn9gq wrote
Reply to comment by FreekFrealy in Recycled wastewater is not only as safe to drink as conventional potable water, it may even be less toxic than many sources of water we already drink daily by giuliomagnifico
What if you get your water from underground reserves that were dormant for millions of years?
Strazdas1 t1_ivjrhns wrote
Reply to comment by SurNihl in Restricting sugar or carbohydrate intake does not impact physical activity level or energy intake over 24 h despite changes in substrate use: a randomised crossover study in healthy men and women - European Journal of Nutrition by Meatrition
Admittedly anecdotal evidence but doing the opposite - going from fat to carbs certainly increase energy levels, sometimes to the point where its hard to stay focused. Its not something i do very often but if i need a "boost" that day it certainly works.
Strazdas1 t1_ivjr7jt wrote
Reply to comment by TheTiniestPeach in Restricting sugar or carbohydrate intake does not impact physical activity level or energy intake over 24 h despite changes in substrate use: a randomised crossover study in healthy men and women - European Journal of Nutrition by Meatrition
>So fasting is a bad idea in general?
In a very generalized broad terms - yes. May be different for individual situations.
Long term habit change is what you want to do.
Strazdas1 t1_ivjoscs wrote
Reply to comment by youll_dig-dug in Heart-health supplements ineffective at reducing bad cholesterol. Six widely used dietary supplements promoted for improving heart health – including brands of fish oil, cinnamon, garlic and turmeric – were not effective at lowering “bad” cholesterol more than placebo after 28 days of use. by MistWeaver80
The thing is lifestyle change takes effort and commitment. Supplements do not. So for most people the latter is a more accessible choice.
Strazdas1 t1_ivj7c21 wrote
Reply to comment by thereisafrx in Researchers have found that having more babies reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. by IMBatUQ
Thats only small part of the world, though. And can be changed through voting.
Strazdas1 t1_ivf52v0 wrote
Reply to comment by Irish_Astronaut in Examining 100,000 crime-related posts from 14,000 Facebook pages maintained by U.S. law enforcement agencies between 2010 and 2019, researchers found that Facebook users are exposed to posts that overrepresent Black suspects by 25% relative to local arrest rates by giuliomagnifico
> UCR part 1
Part I Offenses include murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, arson, human trafficking – commercial sex acts, and human trafficking – involuntary servitude.
So basically any arrests for things that are lighter than that got dropped from the data.
The second bullet point is if the sum of race-categorized arrests is not the same as sum of arrests in the dataset they replaced the total with the sum of race-categorized ones. This theoretically shouldnt be an issue and are probably rounding errors.
Strazdas1 t1_iveoz0o wrote
Reply to comment by adam_demamps_wingman in Examining 100,000 crime-related posts from 14,000 Facebook pages maintained by U.S. law enforcement agencies between 2010 and 2019, researchers found that Facebook users are exposed to posts that overrepresent Black suspects by 25% relative to local arrest rates by giuliomagnifico
another reason not to trust the report - they keep changing the system so most departments cant even report the data properly and get excluded. It got so bad that last year they didnt even release the report due to less than half the departments sending in the data.
Strazdas1 t1_iveocuv wrote
Reply to comment by Irish_Astronaut in Examining 100,000 crime-related posts from 14,000 Facebook pages maintained by U.S. law enforcement agencies between 2010 and 2019, researchers found that Facebook users are exposed to posts that overrepresent Black suspects by 25% relative to local arrest rates by giuliomagnifico
They removed most of the data, then got results that support their worldview.
Strazdas1 t1_ivenuej wrote
Reply to comment by Maktesh in Examining 100,000 crime-related posts from 14,000 Facebook pages maintained by U.S. law enforcement agencies between 2010 and 2019, researchers found that Facebook users are exposed to posts that overrepresent Black suspects by 25% relative to local arrest rates by giuliomagnifico
Theres also he confidentiallity issue. They will not share fottage of something that could be considered a breach of the persons data, so for example financial crimes are pretty much nonexistant on such pages.
Strazdas1 t1_ivenqk1 wrote
Reply to Examining 100,000 crime-related posts from 14,000 Facebook pages maintained by U.S. law enforcement agencies between 2010 and 2019, researchers found that Facebook users are exposed to posts that overrepresent Black suspects by 25% relative to local arrest rates by giuliomagnifico
A more surprising thing is that US law enforcement mantain 14 000 facebook pages. That sounds exessive. Also this means they examined an average of 8 posts per page, per 10 year period. So less than 1 post per year if they were being representative.
Strazdas1 t1_isx52ac wrote
Reply to comment by jrob323 in New motorcycle lighting design could save lives by nikan69
motorcyclist is just a short word for "organ donor on wheels"
Strazdas1 t1_isx500u wrote
Reply to comment by jrob323 in New motorcycle lighting design could save lives by nikan69
Nah, lets just change laws that allow motorcyclists to create more dangerous situations like we do now, then blame the cars because they are "heavier and need to protect lighter people in traffic"
Strazdas1 t1_isx4y04 wrote
Reply to comment by Ch483 in New motorcycle lighting design could save lives by nikan69
Solution is simple - start taking licenses away from them.
Strazdas1 t1_isx4tg0 wrote
It wont be implemented because the motorcyclists want "the raw motorcycle feel". Just like it took decades for better engine designs to be adapted outside of Japan.
Strazdas1 t1_isx417n wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Severe COVID-19 may increase the risk for schizophrenia by chrisdh79
Conspiuracy theorists having paranoid delusions has always been a thing. Have you forgotten the lizard people?
Strazdas1 t1_isx3unt wrote
Reply to comment by justforkicks28 in Severe COVID-19 may increase the risk for schizophrenia by chrisdh79
Whats the usual age the symptoms start to develop?
Strazdas1 t1_isx3qea wrote
Reply to comment by Bullehh in Severe COVID-19 may increase the risk for schizophrenia by chrisdh79
So in the end it will all be just a dream?
Strazdas1 t1_isx3lpf wrote
Reply to comment by Dawrin in Severe COVID-19 may increase the risk for schizophrenia by chrisdh79
The receptors it attacks are present in many parts of the body so the lasting effects will undoubtedly also be varied.
Strazdas1 t1_isx3gdw wrote
Reply to comment by davidguydude in Older people who get five hours of sleep a night or less may face a far greater risk of developing two or more chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes, compared to people who sleep longer by Wagamaga
So i cannot exercise and sleep in the same day?
Strazdas1 t1_isx2688 wrote
Reply to comment by woogyboogy8869 in Older people who get five hours of sleep a night or less may face a far greater risk of developing two or more chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes, compared to people who sleep longer by Wagamaga
If its not caused by forcing yourself to sleep less you already have an illness.
Strazdas1 t1_iswv5od wrote
Reply to comment by achilles4206 in Hair straightening chemicals associated with higher uterine cancer risk by BoundariesAreFun
Curls are fundamentally ugly.
What is beauty is written in our genomes to benefit procreation and survival and has not changed in thousands of years.
Strazdas1 t1_iwpa2lh wrote
Reply to comment by alpha_numeric44 in At CBD:THC ratios most common in medicinal and recreational cannabis products, no evidence found that adding CBD protects against the impairment or subjective effects of THC/cannabis - a randomised double-blind trial with 46 people. by drdrugsandbrains
you are only treating a symptom instead of the cause. Thus the pain will continue.