
StuartGotz t1_j47l0qr wrote

The hardest thing to overcome with exercise research is the lack of a placebo control. i like that they showed dcreases in inflammatory markers in this study.

I worked in a psych hospital for a few years in the early 1990s, on a locked unit. It was a private hospital and about as nice as one could hope for. So it wasn't an underfunded state hospital. In retrospect, I just realized that they had zero opportunities for patients to exercise. There was a courtyard for getting fresh air, but it was too small to do any walking. So not only were there no opportunities (any kind of a gym, place for walking/running), the unit did not even physically allow for exercise in those who would want to.


StuartGotz t1_j2e1na2 wrote

That's a common issue with self-esteem training, a prominent downside.

Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff is an excellent antidote to this.

Books that are about more well-rounded development of character strengths and virtues (positive psychology) tend to be better. There's some thought towards altruism, the greater good, feeling like part of something greater (secular or religious), etc. Self-esteem books are narrow in scope.