
Stupid_Idiot413 t1_j51i4r7 wrote

You might be interested in...

Abiogenesis: The process by which dead matter formed life. There are a plethora of theories as to how.

LUCA: The Last Universal Common Ancestor of all currently living beings. We can infer some characteristics it may have possesed. Note that LUCA is not the same as the first living being, but instead the last life form from which we all (plants, animals, fungi, prokaryotes, archea) descend.

RNA world: The theory of the origin of life explained by the other commenter.


Stupid_Idiot413 t1_j51g4mp wrote

Imo, inteligence is the ability to relate information and get the results you want. A good chess player remembers how I move and is able to use that to move the situation towards his prefered state (winning).

Google "theory of multiple intelligences", it describes different areas where one can be proficient. For example, logical reasoning, social skills, music, etc. Noone has ever created a good metric for "general inteligence" or how smart you are in total, and it is debated if such a thing even makes sense.


Stupid_Idiot413 t1_ir20hbp wrote

>Isn't this just the process of createing knowledge through deduction instead of direct observation?

All knowledge is based on some combination of observation and deduction, except for the fact of our own existence. For example, I believe that other people have minds, or that a room still exists when I'm not there, but there is no direct evidence of that.


Stupid_Idiot413 t1_ir1qv28 wrote

You can experiment with a lens and light to gain information about how light behaves. Then, by seeing how electricity behaves, making basic circuits, and then more advanced sensors... you can get information on things you can't normally see.

Each sensory experience helps contextualize the next. And besides, our eyes are sensors, a camera is only a few more steps removed.