StupiderIdjit t1_j46d7kf wrote
Reply to comment by enemy_of_your_enema in Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to cut state gas tax by wildfireonvenus
Me looking crude prices at prepandemic prices, but gasoline still 75‰ higher Yeah okay.
StupiderIdjit t1_j469n3u wrote
Reply to comment by PregnantSuperman in Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to cut state gas tax by wildfireonvenus
The gas companies will just charge more. You're already paying it, why lower the prices?
StupiderIdjit t1_j469iay wrote
Reply to comment by dtcstylez10 in Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to cut state gas tax by wildfireonvenus
lol friend, the PA turnpike is literally the most expensive toll road in the world.
StupiderIdjit t1_j418iok wrote
Reply to comment by Manawski_ in Amid recruiting crisis, Army makes new companies for recruits who don't meet academic, fitness standards by GaryOaksAlcoholism
BAS is immediately lost to pay for a meal card.
StupiderIdjit t1_iycl9rd wrote
Reply to comment by Monte2903 in At least 2 Pennsylvania counties fail to certify election results by deadline by BoggyRob
Paint it rust colored first, and you won't need to repaint later.
StupiderIdjit t1_iy8569k wrote
Reply to comment by TheUltimateSalesman in Pennsylvania's Luzerne County deadlocks on certifying election results by -TheFarce-
Because you assholes "doubt" it regardless of the abundance of evidence you're shown. You make up claims out of thin air, are debunked with actual physical evidence, and just whine "well I still don't believe it."
And the rest of us are supposed to just go along with you and pretend like it's valid concerns and opinions? We'll never have an election without doubt because you fucking conspiracy theorist morons consider email chains and "WHAT ABOUT?!" questions evidence.
StupiderIdjit t1_ivadtqb wrote
Reply to comment by CltAltAcctDel in NAACP Seeks Legal Relief from PA GOP Voter Suppression by Open_Veins_8
Oh I know. It was a good law. That's why it got bipartisan support. I'm just saying it's disingenuous for Republicans to suggest anything otherwise now.
Edit: We're talking about different things. My bad. I was taking about when republicans were on board with expanding mail in voting in 2019, now suddenly it was a Democrat plot.
Have you seen the date spot everyone is talking about? There's no format for it. They're going to use it to throw out ballots. That's the point. Create some minute detail that you must get right, then throw out the ballots that don't meet it.
StupiderIdjit t1_ivadc6h wrote
Reply to comment by CltAltAcctDel in NAACP Seeks Legal Relief from PA GOP Voter Suppression by Open_Veins_8
Bipartisan law passed by Republican majorities* to boot.
StupiderIdjit t1_ivabhrt wrote
Reply to To the person who defaced all the Mastriano campaign signs in my neighborhood by phasechanges
Yeah respectfully disagree. It's a fucking yard sign. These Nazis are going to find something to cry about anyway (or just make shit up). It doesn't matter at this point.
Edit: If you're voting for mastriano, you're a piece of shit. It's not like they have the yard signs up and you're gonna change their minds. Fuck them.
StupiderIdjit t1_it9j2ck wrote
Reply to comment by james97go in A Queer Community Speaks Up for Student After Teacher's Transphobia by wdcmsnbcgay
sCiEnCe dUrr
This is what you sound like.
StupiderIdjit t1_isp9p5o wrote
Reply to comment by Keinichn in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
Jesus would be in Gitmo.
StupiderIdjit t1_iso197g wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
lol it's not even going up be the "next" con artist. They're just going to double down on the old one.
StupiderIdjit t1_j46uoh7 wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to cut state gas tax by wildfireonvenus
Dude, it literally is. Just Google "what is the most expensive toll road in the world"