SuckMyAssmar t1_j8prurm wrote
Reply to comment by justlikethewwdove in Gentrification by [deleted]
THANK YOU. Many of these other commenters already have their beliefs and are unwilling to have them challenged by deflecting or posting one (1) study that aligns with their beliefs. I will look into Vienna!
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8prhjs wrote
Reply to comment by IntelligentCicada363 in Gentrification by [deleted]
Luxury apartments are very new money. I know.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8pngll wrote
Reply to comment by Middle-Example6618 in Gentrification by [deleted]
What? Many long-term residents in these areas are RENTERS.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8pna33 wrote
Reply to comment by TorvaldUtney in Gentrification by [deleted]
Did you reply to the wrong comment?
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p98ac wrote
Reply to comment by Any_Advantage_2449 in Gentrification by [deleted]
In NYC. rent-controlled apartments, not rent-stabilized ones.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p95qg wrote
Reply to comment by tjrileywisc in Gentrification by [deleted]
Yes and thank you - I was not aware of that in Tokyo!
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p8i3j wrote
Reply to comment by MyStackRunnethOver in Gentrification by [deleted]
Thank you!
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p7qqo wrote
Reply to comment by tjrileywisc in Gentrification by [deleted]
Hmm ok. Inflation right now is insane, obviously, but I will read this paper in a bit. Initial thought is that the older (relative term) being sold still isn’t affordable to the ‘average’ person, aka someone that isn’t a software engineer or works in biotech.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p7d8p wrote
Reply to comment by IntelligentCicada363 in Gentrification by [deleted]
Do I really have to say “not all…” Keep it moving.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p7ati wrote
Reply to comment by Any_Advantage_2449 in Gentrification by [deleted]
Ok I hear you but rent-controlled units can be passed down in families. Of course, some may hold onto it and maybe Shari’s kids don’t want it.
For the single widow that won’t move, should they move to a smaller rent-controlled apartment? Assuming a system could be designed to allow this and for it to be easy. Or do you have another suggestion? (Serious)
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p6wid wrote
Reply to comment by tjrileywisc in Gentrification by [deleted]
Where are new single family homes being built en masse?
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p5yq1 wrote
Reply to comment by Pariell in Gentrification by [deleted]
It looks like the results were from a simulation based on real-world data. This is certainly an interesting paper that I will have to spend more time on, but my initial critique is that out-migration was not stratified. I think the aggregate data would be different compared to that from stratifying by race or income. Additionally, know that the sources from the data broker include USPS changes of addresses, differences in magazine subscriptions, and whatnot but I don’t think data on couch-surfing-but-truly-homeless-individuals, new immigrants such as those from Afghanistan, individuals that are undocumented, and data on individuals that do not update their address with USPS when they move is adequately captured. This data is, likely, difficult to collect but I feel it could be a valuable contribution to this data(set).
I am also concered about the low power of the study. While the authors confirmed that the sample was actually representative, I wonder about the external validity.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p35m8 wrote
Reply to comment by Pariell in Gentrification by [deleted]
Thank you. I have started reading through this but want to confirm.. is this a pre-print? In between paragraphs in the data section, it literally says “[Figure 2 here].”
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p281e wrote
Reply to comment by bww37 in Gentrification by [deleted]
To clarify, I was referring to another commenter talking about how “life is life” in regards to gentrification and displacement of long-term residents.
I am veryy familiar with those policies and the history of real estate, but I hope others on this sub can learn about them!
Thank you for the links!
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p1ttw wrote
Reply to comment by -Anarresti- in Gentrification by [deleted]
That’s true. I thought a discussion might help, but it obviously has not.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p1kvz wrote
Reply to comment by -Anarresti- in Gentrification by [deleted]
Thank you for your detailed response!! I appreciate you. I am going to educate myself on that amendment.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p11k8 wrote
Reply to comment by Pariell in Gentrification by [deleted]
I can only see the abstract. Can you link to the pdf?
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p08dj wrote
Reply to comment by Opposite_Match5303 in Gentrification by [deleted]
That is true, but in NYC, for example, the board votes on what the maximum % increase can be. Such as 2.5%. Do you think such a policy could be beneficial here?
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p00ce wrote
Reply to comment by Bizurke87 in Gentrification by [deleted]
On your last paragraph: Can you please elaborate on gentrification creating jobs and easing traffic?
I think that there would not be a change in traffic, or there may potentially be a slight uptick in tradfic. My thinking is that if the new residents use the T, that is the same as the now-displaced residents using the T so net zero change. I am also thinking that wealthy individuals moving in will want to bring their car(s), which can lead to an uptick in traffic if they use it any more frequently than “rarely.”
For jobs, my thinking is that there would be a net zero difference in jobs even as new shops open up.
Again, this is based on my thinking. I would love to hear your thoughts.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8ozbbu wrote
Reply to comment by Opposite_Match5303 in Gentrification by [deleted]
Okay, thank you!!
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8oz98s wrote
Reply to comment by FoodGuy44 in Gentrification by [deleted]
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8oxkcd wrote
Reply to comment by bww37 in Gentrification by [deleted]
Thank you so much for your comment. I have already learned a lot!
I also wished that commenters on this post would engage in more stimulating discussion rather than saying displacement of families is just “life.”
Can you please share what LIHTC and IZ mean? The first one being low-income housing….
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8owkqz wrote
Reply to comment by FoodGuy44 in Gentrification by [deleted]
I am asking you this question. If you don’t want to answer, that is fine.
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8owelm wrote
Reply to comment by Bizurke87 in Gentrification by [deleted]
Do you, or anyone really, have data on how long biotech, finance, etc. workers stay once they move here? I was under the assumption that they were more transient like if they wanted to have kids, they would move farther out into the ‘burbs or they move into a state with a LCOL.
What can we do to minimize the impact of gentrification?
SuckMyAssmar t1_j8psps5 wrote
Reply to comment by RogueInteger in Gentrification by [deleted]
Which ones?