
SunOutrageous6098 t1_j4qm214 wrote

You can simply fill out the “voter request to cancel registration” form on

County Offices do not cancel the registration for victims of Domestic Violence or other citizens in similar situations; but their records are protected in a way that makes the public unable to access them without a more robust request than the download on the Department of State’s website.

I know for sure because I have worked in a PA County Election office.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j4qlk5z wrote

Voter Registration is public information, so basically any other registered PA voter can access your demographics and voting history (participation only, ballots are still anonymous).

After someone doesn’t vote for a period of 5 years or misses 2 consecutive federal elections, the county Election Office moves them to an inactive status; which entails sending a bunch of letters to the person. If the person doesn’t reply for 2 years, they are cancelled.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j4j9jc6 wrote

The deniers would still say it was rigged.

Ballots have been anonymous in America since 1891 and have been used in elections going back to Ancient Greece. The system is not broken and there is NO PROOF ANYWHERE that votes are not being recorded correctly.

Precincts can have multiple zip codes. Not everyone is America has internet access.

Let’s stop trying to fix problems that don’t exist and only matter to an extremely small group of people.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j1r8urq wrote

It’s not unchartered territory and we already have laws in place that dictate the timing of special elections.

The courts don’t need to determine “who has the power before they are sworn in”. The people already did and we voted for Democrats. The Democrats have the power until another election changes the majority.

“Do it in May” isn’t the answer because people don’t vote in Primaries, let alone ones in odd numbered years.

If you’re so concerned about the cost of elections consider this: Primaries are held so that two private organizations can determine which candidate to run. Why are tax payers footing the bill? Any referenda could simply go on the November ballot, when more people turnout anyway. Let the parties figure out who to run using their own damn money.

Voting by mail is 40% cheaper than voting in person.

Also, historically “we the voting people” don’t vote out obstructionists, especially not in Pennsylvania. Our legislature has been basically defunct for 2 years and a lot of them were re-elected. Nothing’s going to get done. I mean, at least nothing will get worse; but nothings going to get better either.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j0am0t0 wrote

Genuinely surprised he agreed to do it, since he’s repeatedly voted in favor of legislation designed to suppress opportunities to vote; especially for people who may have difficulty with mobility, transportation, caregiver support etc. The legislation he’s supported impacts senior citizens- especially veterans, in the counties he represents.

If he truly believed voting was important, he would support measures like voting satellite offices and sponsor bills designed to make mail voting more secure instead of forcing people to only vote early in person in their courthouses.

All mouth and no trousers.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j05mnvj wrote

It doesn’t matter if you live there or not - you were issued a ticket because you violated a city law while you were driving there. They ran your plate, they mailed you a ticket. Pay the fine, plea not guilty and go to court or ignore it and wait for a bigger bill when it goes to collections.

You know all the Philly mottos already- “you don’t like us, we don’t care” & “eff around & find out” are the two that are probably most applicable here.