SuperSpread t1_itwu92q wrote
Reply to comment by EarthLoveAR in A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by redhatGizmo
Be careful what you wish for
SuperSpread t1_ito2eab wrote
Reply to comment by Chasa619 in Bullet Train is a fun movie! by [deleted]
No she was there, wearing her human face. But yes there was too much makeup and cgi effects on her face.
SuperSpread t1_isqmtqe wrote
Reply to comment by StuckinbedtilDec in Experimental demonstration of entanglement delivery using a quantum network stack by matpompili
It’s the same fallacy as saying a shadow travels faster than the speed of light when you turn a light on. The shadow was already there. With entangled particles you are merely resolving information.
SuperSpread t1_iudo6px wrote
Reply to comment by Mayhewbythedoor in Chinese cities brace for wave of Foxconn workers from COVID-hit Zhengzhou by KimCureAll