
Super_C_Complex t1_j1wvmvl wrote

Got mine out at 31.

Was out of my desk job for a week. Went back under general anesthesia to fix a bleed and out for another week.

When they say to look for grape jelly in the back of your throat. I saw exactly that.
Woke up with it and had dried blood everywhere.

I didn't have fun breaking my cauterizations open. I just suffered.

I'm glad you got your nut on though


Super_C_Complex t1_j0965lt wrote

> Autoworkers allowed the Japanese to take a huge chunk of the market

Except Japanese employees were more productive in the 70s and built a reputation for well priced quality. Now Japanese cars are made in the US.

> Metalworkers have all but been eliminated. That business is now in Asia and Russia

Counterpoint. Arc furnaces are more versatile, cheaper, and efficient than large blast furnaces and the demand for structural steel has diminished due to suburbanization. There's still significant metallurgy in the US is just smaller scale.


Super_C_Complex t1_izdox1v wrote

I'm sorry. But that's all Mexican places that aren't the legit Mexican places. The holes in the wall are where it's at. You're acting like Qdoba should be gourmet.

And the food scene in York is not bad at all. In the city you have the left bank, Roosevelts, and the central market.

In the rest of the county you have so many options.


Super_C_Complex t1_ixyye8q wrote

So fun fact. I have dealt with PSP quite a bit in rural areas.

They're real bad at their job.

I can think of multiple murders they labeled as accidents to avoid reporting them. Multiple.

Rural pa is statically more dangerous than Philly you just don't know it.

And traffic? Who the fuck cares. Just give me a mass transit system


Super_C_Complex t1_iws88lt wrote

Fun fact. If he were to be pulled over now with marijuana in his system. He would be charged with a second degree felony with a maximum of ten years, which by state is required to be imposed. He would also be looking at, I believe but I'm not 100% sure since it's a new last, that it would be a 2 year mandatory minimum which would, again by law, have to be served consecutive to any other sentence he is currently serving or that would be imposed


Super_C_Complex t1_iwrgk1h wrote

It's not about just this guy

Police are notoriously shit about being honest about why they pull someone over.

As a defense attorney, I routinely see people pulled over for de minimis infractions.

And I don't see the people pulled over for de minimis infractions for the wrong reason that aren't ultimately charged with anything