
Super_C_Complex t1_ja0u365 wrote

So a few things you seem to be concerned about.

First. Nuclear power is safer than other forms of power. Chernobyl was the last one that really endangered a significant amount of people. But that was soviet Russia. Three mile island is in PA and had similar issues but didn't endanger people to the same extent. You'll be fine.

Second. You'd have to check the ordinances of whatever borough or township you move into whether you can have septic and well, you must likely can.

Third. Crime. I know the trending narrative is that big cities are outliers for the amount of crime that's happening but honestly, being in rural PA you're more likely to be the victim of a crime but most crimes go unreported. I've found PSP to be really bad at calling murders, murder. At least when they don't care about the victim. New York is probably about as safe as the area of PA you're moving to.

Now, you're "tyranny" bit won't get you a lot of love here But you'd probably fit in well in this area.
Big Trump zone. Bunch of excess deaths from covid. Bunch of small people in jail for January 6 stuff

You're wrong but you won't think that if you live in the Berwick outlying areas.


Super_C_Complex t1_j6g4a14 wrote

Put your questions out there. Can't hurt.

If you're looking for a place to live. Look for something in our sounds holidaysburg.

Agreed on don't eat the pizza.

But if you like dive bars. Al's is not bad.

The beer scene has improved since I left too.

Lots of good nearby outdoor recreation Canoe creek is a severely underrated state park.


Super_C_Complex t1_j5tb5l5 wrote

> Weird thing about York - they repeat stores and restaurants in the east and west end,

This isn't really weird though.

It can be half and hour from one end to the other.

Hell, growing up it was a good 45 minutes to the galleria for me so the west end target was great.

Plus with a county population of closer a half million people now. They need multiple stores.


Super_C_Complex t1_j4tu3yv wrote

> You're a problem regardless of whether you choose to accept that or not and I'll continue to advocate for people to hold the well-being of individuals (regardless of their sensitivities) above the ability of organizations and corporations to co-opt what should be havens from their already gargantuan onslaught of rather obvious and intrusive psy-ops. (Yes, psy-ops. These groups employ psychologists expressly for the purpose of finding the most efficient manner to manipulate you and this has been going on for decades.)

I read that


Super_C_Complex t1_j4tt92m wrote

So for anyone who doesn't want to read.

Shapiro is doing stuff that is very normal and TribLive thinks he shouldn't have an NDA for it. Although there is no indication of who exactly signs these, what it could possibly cover, and why this information would be valuable.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing that we need more transparency, but this article doesn't make a good argument against this practice.


Super_C_Complex t1_j4gliwg wrote

Part of the staffing issues is the number of attorneys is down.

Between 2020 and 2022, it's half the number of attorneys to the bar compared to before.

But state wide public defender systems would be better overall would be more cost effective, and is just a better system.

We should also do away with local district attorneys too. There's zero reason every county should have one making close to $200k.


Super_C_Complex t1_j37c44v wrote

> They ought to be stigmatized & they should have a hard time finding housing & work.

That actually makes them more likely to reoffend.

> From my understanding when I read the law the minor would’ve had to come into contact with… bodily fluids in order for the neighbor to be charged with that

That's not necessarily the only way to be charged with indecent assault.

> They should be put down. Dead sex offenders don’t reoffend.

Most living ones don't either. But you seem falsely offended by this.

I'm sure you don't care that half your neighbors drive drunk through your neighborhood and that is more likely to cause harm to your kids.

What I'm saying is chill.


Super_C_Complex t1_j35ns9t wrote

There's actually very little evidence the sex offender registry does anything but stigmatize offenders, make it harder for them to find work, housing, and support, or prevent recidivism.

The list also includes offenses which are... Absurd. Such as interference with custody.

So, realistically, the guy on the registry is actually less likely to commit a sexual offense against your children than you.

Also the whole constitutionality of the statute is being challenged and possibly going to be struck down.


Super_C_Complex t1_j266gt2 wrote


Don Chekos.

It's like. Sketch. But delicious. The nachos are banging and a great value.

As for the family restaurants, I won't disagree. I liked Chambersburg family diner before it was sold.

Fuck the orchards though.

Other than that. Inca kitchen is good. Bori delicious and denim are both good coffee shops. I'm not huge on Brussels vibe so I haven't been in much. The stube at liquid arts or whatever they're calling it now has decent food and okay beer.

The food here isn't all awful.