Super_C_Complex t1_iwmtkk0 wrote
Reply to comment by 430Richard in Gov. Greg Abbott expands Texas’ migrant busing plan to Philadelphia by audiomuse1
If the Republicans ever got back control of the state legislature they'd absolutely make legislation barring this
Super_C_Complex t1_iwmi7hw wrote
Reply to comment by AlVic40117560_ in Chester County man convicted of 12th DUI: Lancaster DA by sintactacle
Can't drive with any amount if THC or metabolite in your system
It's dumb
Super_C_Complex t1_iwm88oe wrote
Reply to comment by sintactacle in Chester County man convicted of 12th DUI: Lancaster DA by sintactacle
Yeah no. He did State time on his last DUI. 1 year minimum.
But on this one. It appears it was a marijuana DUI. Which means he could be in full compliance with the medical marijuana act, and then drive to Wawa and end up in jail. It's horseshit.
But sure. He's only getting a license suspension. /S
Super_C_Complex t1_iwj5hl0 wrote
Reply to comment by DelcoWolv in Gov. Greg Abbott expands Texas’ migrant busing plan to Philadelphia by audiomuse1
I think that's a great idea.
But Republicans would oppose it because "we need to take care of our own first." But then would oppose doing it for people here they'd vote against it as socialism.
Super_C_Complex t1_iuhc4kt wrote
Reply to comment by pmabraham in Wolf Administration Participating in "Committee for Safe and Secure Elections" Group To Protect Elections From Threats / Intimidation by PierogiPowered
So the concern is dropped off ballots then. I understand.
I disagree that it is a concern or that there is a significant amount of voter fraud that occurs that way, or that having a hand written date would be any sort of barrier to that, but I understand.
Thank you for your response.
Super_C_Complex t1_iuhbcyb wrote
Reply to comment by pmabraham in Wolf Administration Participating in "Committee for Safe and Secure Elections" Group To Protect Elections From Threats / Intimidation by PierogiPowered
So, honest question.
What's the concern with an undated ballot when the date fun the USPS is gonna be more accurate anyways?
I would think that would be more secure than any hand when date given the number of times landlords tried screwing me with fake dates
Super_C_Complex t1_irjl7rx wrote
Reply to comment by PopeMaIone in A Pennsylvania prison gets a Scandinavian-style makeover – and shows how the US penal system could become more humane by JBupp
Sorry. It's supposed to say isn't just rapists and murderers.
Super_C_Complex t1_irj6h16 wrote
Reply to A Pennsylvania prison gets a Scandinavian-style makeover – and shows how the US penal system could become more humane by JBupp
The problem with implementing these sorts of policies stats with the legislature.
Recently the legislature wanted to see what they could do to reduce DUI recidivism. So they talked to the police, district attorney's, prison officials, and MADD.
Now, a DUI can get you sentenced up State for up to ten years. And if you get a second and third in a decade, they just be run consecutively. Which means up to 15 years
Have weed and sandwich baggies? Felony possession with intent.
Steal from Sheetz because you're too poor to buy food? Felony.
You can get sentence to State for bullshit.
So it isn't rapists, murderers, and child abusers up State
It's people who could benefit from rehabilitation. Drug treatment. Education. Anger management. Scandinavian incarcerations would benefit them.
But State is portrayed as the place for violent individuals. But it's not
Super_C_Complex t1_ir7p5cl wrote
Reply to comment by CatOfTheDecade in Trump allies interviewed nearly 200 election officials in PA, elsewhere to probe for weaknesses by Open_Veins_8
Now. To be fair. The one time they produced a postal worker who testified that as part of his job. He delivered mail in ballots. But he didn't like it.
Super_C_Complex t1_iwohau1 wrote
Reply to comment by zorioneku in Chester County man convicted of 12th DUI: Lancaster DA by sintactacle
Here's a fun fact.
Cops lie. A lot Specially during trials