Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jefn5wk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Legal advice: foundation disclosures by [deleted]
Legal fees I have to admit I kind of memory holed at this point. The advice I got suggested I should probably sue (the seller had been sued a couple times before but I couldn't find much in the way of results) but the need to do the work ASAP meant I might end up paying twice. I was extremely wary of lawyers and had no faith they'd do anything but screw me over more than I had been.
Total costs were probably in the range 40K range.
I can also recommend a structural residential engineer if you need a third party eye to anything a vendor may propose/get your own design. RESolutions
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jef8ewa wrote
Reply to Legal advice: foundation disclosures by [deleted]
Had similar, and extremely expensive foundation issues (water intrusion eating away at the support, broken pipe and disposal of construction debris under the house) to resolve after purchase that seller had to have known about. The burden on me to both sue the home inspection for being derelict in their duties and the seller far exceeded my ability to pay for such legal representation with the uncertainty of winning.
I can recommend you talk to a whiz of inspections who is often called in these cases and can assist in any legal path. Jim Delgado (who I should have had as a home inspector bc he's so thorough he drives realtors insane) is the best in town. Used to work for DCRA and knows all their tricks. Delgado and Associates, He was a little crotchety but a solidly amazing advocate.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jedi78r wrote
Reply to comment by BrightThru2014 in Drink specials for Trump indictment ? by meye_usernameistaken
Hopefully it comes in time, but I'd be thrilled to see peach cobbler specials.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jed8hfd wrote
Reply to Chick-delayed by Brave-Cream391
Why you take a cab to the ER if you can.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jed8fpl wrote
Reply to Venues that play heavy metal by Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc
Occasionally and perhaps more often going forward (had done so pre pandemic more), the Atlas brewery in Ivy City hosts metal bands. Pie Shop also has acts in the genre from time to time.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecu3o4 wrote
Reply to comment by Unspec7 in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
The law is an ass.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecsanv wrote
Reply to comment by Unspec7 in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
Half this sub loves people who commit crimes/make excuses for them more and thinks hate crimes don't exist.
I doubt any victim is "thinking they were being clever" trying to survive. Yikes.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecrpoz wrote
Reply to comment by Unspec7 in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
If a hate crime victim blinds their attacker permanently or kills them you won't catch me crying.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecrmye wrote
Reply to comment by twenty-six-sixty-six in PSA: veo scooters go 15 mph by twenty-six-sixty-six
Did you ever consider that intelligent adults don't make comparisons to one of the most evil regimes for nonsense like a scooter?
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecohpu wrote
Reply to comment by Cool_Story_Bra in Rep. Boebert’s Informed and Coherent Criminal Code Revision at Yesterday’s Hearing by literpu
>Congressional staff make up 20-25,000 jobs in DC
Do they tho? They're a rounding error compared to the executive branch.
Not surprised, just tired of them.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecm6c4 wrote
Reply to comment by Unspec7 in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
>but permanently blinding someone by spraying acid into their face would not be reasonable force.
Counterpoint: some people can FAFO.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecau4f wrote
Reply to comment by rlpw in PSA: veo scooters go 15 mph by twenty-six-sixty-six
Was this paid for by a scooter company?
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecares wrote
Reply to PSA: veo scooters go 15 mph by twenty-six-sixty-six
It was Cheh and Ward 3 who led the speed restriction but whatever bro, make your bad faith comparisons or whatever.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jec3fj1 wrote
Reply to comment by literpu in Rep. Boebert’s Informed and Coherent Criminal Code Revision at Yesterday’s Hearing by literpu
It's not you as such, it's the litany of posts about that circus.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jec20sl wrote
Reply to comment by literpu in Rep. Boebert’s Informed and Coherent Criminal Code Revision at Yesterday’s Hearing by literpu
I will never understand the obsession some of y'all have with congresscritters. The vast bulk of them are eight kinds of moron, in both parties; the GOP usually has an edge on crazy but there's lots to choose from. Then again bread and circuses.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jec0h0u wrote
Reply to comment by AhhAGoose in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
No one is going down for defending themselves with pepper spray.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jec000m wrote
Reply to Rep. Boebert’s Informed and Coherent Criminal Code Revision at Yesterday’s Hearing by literpu
Please stop.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jebnuug wrote
Reply to comment by Macarogi in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
MoCo might. MPD liason units were disbanded by Lanier, the most garbage leader since Chief Wiggum (real ones know a previous chief was the spitting image of Springfield's own) but there are still specific officers who work within communities.
USAO tho, they don't believe hate crimes exist so...
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jebg004 wrote
Reply to comment by welyla in On the topic of fake Virginia tags: looks like they fixed the 2013 date by Dcdonewell
MD drivers always require a lot distance because that kind of crazy and unpredictable is how you end up dead.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeawb67 wrote
Reply to comment by BarracudaAcademic539 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
>charters inhibit the betterment of neighborhood schools.
Absolutely nonsense. They had DECADES to improve themselves before charters and never made an effort to do so. DCPS, especially the Central Office, is a jobs program for Ward 9 and the shills who depend on it.
No one in my neighborhood who cares about their kids sends theirs to the local.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeammom wrote
Reply to comment by BarracudaAcademic539 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
The parents who GAF having better outcomes? Damn that must make you so mad. Before the lottery they'd camp out in front of out of boundary schools just to try to do better for their kids.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeamfhs wrote
Reply to comment by touchmeimjesus202 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
W3 is king on schools. W1 is much better now than it used to be.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jealo7o wrote
Reply to comment by touchmeimjesus202 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
I might have figured out why that is your experience.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeakvmh wrote
Reply to comment by touchmeimjesus202 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
What ward do you live in?
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jegziiz wrote
Reply to Logan Circle Dog Park by Sufficient-Job-1013
NPS is cracking down on activities there, guess we'll see how it works out.