Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeak54w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
That's the kind of violence interrupting we need!
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeajkjh wrote
Reply to comment by tiakeuta in People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
Yeah trying to blame the people not doing the crimes for the crimes is some ish.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeajgvu wrote
Reply to comment by TheAgeOfQuarrel802 in People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
Tankies in here are gonna be mad about rape kits putting people away.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeaj6n7 wrote
Reply to comment by danegermaine99 in People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
I'm guessing 5 years or less. The tryhards usually lose their naïveté around then.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeacd9b wrote
Reply to comment by resdivinae in If You Could Fix One Tiny Thing about Metro. . . [Serious] by Cooking_with_MREs
Replace the exit fare machines with full service machines FFS.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeabmc0 wrote
Reply to People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
Attending Council meetings is completely pointless when the electeds don't listen to anyone but each other. I can name perhaps two that actually listen to their constituents. The rest openly DGAF.
>Are you just here to complain about crime and leave in the next two years cause you did your TDY in DC?
Look if you want to go down the road of how long we've all been here you're gonna end up dying mad. Some of us don't want to go back to what DC was like 20 years ago.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeaawyq wrote
Stop smoking on trains.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeaan94 wrote
Reply to comment by aboutblogabout in People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
OP wants a poll tax/test but for posting on reddit.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeaa9q0 wrote
Reply to comment by 88138813 in People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
Aggro. Likes. Confirmation of priors. ATTENTION
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jea2nt0 wrote
Reply to comment by Oldbayistheshit in Anyone in Shaw/Mt. Vernon Triangle been followed by a homeless guy? by shamudawhale3
Are you unfamiliar with the layout of M street by the convention center past 9th? Also a solid LOLOL to that helping.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jea298l wrote
Reply to comment by MoreCleverUserName in Anyone in Shaw/Mt. Vernon Triangle been followed by a homeless guy? by shamudawhale3
DBMH will just send the cops because no one is trained or paid to deal with crazy and dangerous. Your boy Allen made sure nothing was transferred to DBMH.
Get help.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jea1yz8 wrote
Reply to comment by jdixonfan in Congressional Committee Grills D.C. Officials on Statehood, Public Safety Issues by PrestoVivace
Tell me you know nothing about Maryland or its history, political or otherwise.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jea0hjg wrote
Reply to comment by Naive_Coast_8919 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
Yeah someone who has never, ever held real elected office but thinks of herself as a girlboss isn't what the city needs.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jea0cu7 wrote
It's always said "Thank God for Alabama or we'd be last" all across the country but DC isn't doing a good job either. DCPS is failing students and families and setting them up for bad life outcomes. It's absolutely criminal that you can "graduate" from DCPS and have reading and writing at several grades below 12th.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jea0230 wrote
Reply to comment by BrightThru2014 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
>The rightfully indignant response to 1) should not lead to a "closing of ranks" to acknowledge 2).
But it always does because the tryhards will use anyone and everyone, including kids getting trash education, as martyrs for their own cause. Kids leave DCPS (graduate is too generous) without the skills to succeed and go sideways in astronomical numbers. If the failing individual schools was any other organization they would be shut down.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je9zr3d wrote
Reply to comment by BarracudaAcademic539 in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
Charters educate half the city's kids, might be the majority at some point. Maybe DCPS parents should sit this one out.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je9zf7r wrote
Reply to comment by engineeringsquirrel in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
DC isn't doing much better.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je9z8am wrote
Reply to comment by Sujjin in Republican congressman calls D.C. schools ‘crappy,’ ‘inmate factories’ by Ok_Culture_3621
A ward 6 parent is proof of nothing. That could just be chuckles sock puppet.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je7at8v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Spot for toddler bday that’s booze friendly. by [deleted]
If you drink IPAs screaming children would be an upgrade.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je7ara2 wrote
BarredinDC probably is a better resource.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je79e6f wrote
Reply to comment by NPRjunkieDC in Spot for toddler bday that’s booze friendly. by [deleted]
Lord Jesus and everything. Lots of people driving sober leave their kids in cars on hot days. Come on already.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je78xfi wrote
Reply to comment by NPRjunkieDC in Spot for toddler bday that’s booze friendly. by [deleted]
The French laugh at your puriteen naïveté.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je78q6a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Spot for toddler bday that’s booze friendly. by [deleted]
>Should kids be allowed at strip clubs too?
Maybe? Figure staff could use on site daycare.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_je73csk wrote
Reply to Congressional Committee Grills D.C. Officials on Statehood, Public Safety Issues by PrestoVivace
"In his testimony, Allen also reiterated his stance on combining policing with investments in services that improve District residents’ quality of life."
Yet since then he hasn't added a single penny to DBMH/DOH or any social services agency for mooted alternatives, funded anything that would deploy from OUC calls or set up an alternative to 911 MPD calls. Such a phony.
Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jeakbmv wrote
Reply to comment by tiakeuta in People that post about Crime, what are you doing to help your community in the City? by Diela_N
"I was assaulted because I didn't tip 50% when I bought this muffin at Starbucks and thus I deserved this skull fracture."