Surgical_Precisizmn t1_j6ayjk2 wrote
Anyone else notice the word "brainchild" being used more and more in articles like this?
...kinda digging it tbh.
Surgical_Precisizmn t1_j5kglju wrote
Wish there was a way to always show the next move.
Sometimes Google maps will show "in 0.5 miles turn left" and in smaller text below that "(then 0.2 miles turn right)"
I LOVE it when it tells me that. The setting is enabled. Almost never actually shows on screen.
Surgical_Precisizmn t1_j0q0o42 wrote
Reply to New study suggests that regularly drinking coffee potentially lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes for women who had gestational diabetes during pregnancy by giuliomagnifico
...the way I make coffee definitely does NOT lower my risk of diabetes.
Surgical_Precisizmn t1_iwrxc5o wrote
Reply to comment by Agile-Cancel-4709 in Rats bop to the beat of music by Mozart, Lady Gaga, Queen; bopping was previously thought to be an ability innately unique to humans by marketrent
Parrot owner here!
Most, no. Some, absolutely.
Most just ignore music, at least in terms of their body motion. Some will bob to it, but just senseless bobbing totally out of sync with the actual beat; others definitely rock out to the rhythm, and whip out better dance moves than most humans are capable of.
Birds vary a ton from one individual to another, even within the same species.
Surgical_Precisizmn t1_jd6f1fv wrote
Reply to comment by dyson14444 in The future of software-controlled cooking by Hrmbee
If it's HP, it'll refuse to make your pancakes until you've replaced the empty HP brand tilapia cartridge.