Surlax OP t1_jacsfsu wrote
Reply to comment by Rich4718 in The Fed is yet to catch up to the Taylor Rule estimate by Surlax
Technically correct, best type of correct
Surlax OP t1_jacphie wrote
Reply to comment by randompittuser in The Fed is yet to catch up to the Taylor Rule estimate by Surlax
Isn’t it the same guy who assured the public that inflation is only transitory?
Surlax OP t1_jack1ul wrote
Reply to comment by attofreak in The Fed is yet to catch up to the Taylor Rule estimate by Surlax
In addition to all of the above, it appears reasonable for the Fed to raise the “target CPI” up to 3-4% and call it a day
Surlax t1_jacgd4j wrote
Reply to Fed might raise policy rates to 6% - BofA by Broiler100
Guess my calls belong to Wendy’s dumpster as well as I do
Surlax OP t1_jact506 wrote
Reply to comment by MrStealYoBeef in The Fed is yet to catch up to the Taylor Rule estimate by Surlax
Calls on Dua Lipa