
SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j6fqg2z wrote

>I think it is funny that these "offensive" comedians (Burr, Barr, Chappelle) turned into whiny bitches at the smallest sign of rocky waters...

I wonder why comedians are upset that people are trying to have their careers derailed by lunatics who can't stand free speech. What a conundrum.

There are even some morons who are trying to change the definition of freedom of speech do that it only applies to the government. All they do is show their own ignorance and lack if intelligence as they've clearly never heard of Salman Rushdie.

Insane to think how Reddit used to be pro-free speech and anti-censorship.

>meanwhile Winkler was laughed at by the JumpTheShark fad for fucking years and years, he just shrugged that shit off and made great comedy.

What even is this comparison? How is that comparable all?


SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j6fps2d wrote

Do you think being cancelled means getting thrown into a gulag and never being heard from again?

She was killed off from a sitcom she brought back, named after her, and she had to give up any future earnings from it so that other people could keep their jobs.

edit: forgot this board is very pro-cancel culture and likes to pretend it doesn't exist


SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_j5u7svx wrote

> I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people out there that would be offended by comedic actors dressing up as Asian people, black people or Indian people for its comedic value,

I think that is a result of American cultural imperialism, which is racist in and of itself in that it only applies to people of a certain skin colour.

No one is upset that Eddie Murphy or Dave Chappelle did "whiteface".


SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_iyaplp0 wrote

Second season of The Other Two disappointed me and I also waited years.

First season had such a unique and fun premise, being the family member of a teen star while you have been toiling in the industry for years. But in season two they threw that out and made it much more generic by having everyone get succesful. Didn't even the sister's idiot boyfriend get famous and wealthy from starting a sneakers company?


SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_ivjon0k wrote

There are some other great British crime shows that are season long mysteries. Best one is Line of Duty, followed by Unforgotten.

Endeavour is episodic but amazing.

There's one called Shetland that isn't that great but it has one season, I think 3, that is so good. It's about a convicted murderer getting released from jail, going back to his small town and the cops trying to figure out if he's involved with a new crime. You can just watch that season as a standalone.