Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jee803n wrote
Reply to comment by RandomChurn in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Stark comparison to the two brave officers from Tennessee, who used their training and wasted absolutely no time. The body cam footage should be sent to Uvalde police department for training.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jebiqy0 wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Didn’t the school resource office in Parkland hide outside? A lot of good that did eh?
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jeaa0kj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Effective gun laws? Did you know the woman in Tennessee had no prior criminal record and passed her background check with flying colors? The truth is firearm laws many of which are unconstitutional do very little in stopping crime. Because people with criminal intent unfortunately don’t follow any laws what so ever. The best thing about our gun laws is a law abiding citizen can still own a firearm and protect themselves against criminal intent, for the time being anyway.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jea98rk wrote
Reply to School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
Well, government has security for every government facility under the sun… except for… you guessed it all government school buildings. The government does provide the schools with a sign however, that advertises it as a “gun free zone”. Notice how this hasn’t changed? Makes you wonder…
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_je50plv wrote
No, If I had the 5% or more for a down payment I would would wait it out and live in a van down by the river before I spent it on a house in RI right now. High Interest rates and inflated home prices don’t mix, something has to give. It’s not just in RI, I watched real estate values spike after 2020 up north as well, people buying property up north, NH, VT and ME sight unseen in some cases. The pandemic unfortunately had people living in the cities thinking about wide open spaces, and man did they buy up property, this has caused value to go up and inventory to go down as well. Inventory in RI is at an all time low, however I’m optimistic that will change. The economy right now is like a train wreck in slow motion, some people are affected more so than others. If you have money, hold on to it as others may not, this will cause a sell off. People who bought homes in the past 3 years paid way over what they should have, they are dealing with a large mortgage payment, one or two monkey wrenches in their life and boom all done. Now times that by thousands.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdzw6wv wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Providence Police Officer Surrounded by ATV Riders—Pulls Weapon, One Arrested by buddhamanjpb
Works either way, I like my wording better.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdy4kcq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Providence Police Officer Surrounded by ATV Riders—Pulls Weapon, One Arrested by buddhamanjpb
The teenagers last week did the running down, or in their case running into a SUV. It was a hard physics lesson, but they passed and unfortunately lost.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdxqigm wrote
Reply to Providence Police Officer Surrounded by ATV Riders—Pulls Weapon, One Arrested by buddhamanjpb
Didn’t this kind of behavior end badly for two people last week? One of the wildest things about the brain of a young adult is the lack of self preservation instincts, when your young you are immortal… until you’re dead of course.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdxoyw0 wrote
Reply to comment by Swamp_yankee_ninja in Rep. Boylan introduces bill requiring solar on new construction by GhostOpera406
Oh look down votes from people whom will likely never afford a new home in their lifetime.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdxosw3 wrote
Reply to comment by Status_Silver_5114 in Rep. Boylan introduces bill requiring solar on new construction by GhostOpera406
Can you imagine the cost of new home construction? We are lucky in deed.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdtm2tl wrote
Wow, just when you think Government couldn’t reach any further in your pocket and transfer funds into theirs. Be careful who you elect they could be this guy.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdr0ezf wrote
Drunks, “stopped at a green light”… Stoners, “stopped at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green”.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdkj99y wrote
My sympathies goes out to the woman legally driving her SUV take a left hand turn. Imagine you look both ways and see nothing and proceed to move and then smash! Out of nowhere a dirt bike slams into your SUV and you witness the carnage. Not only is she on her own for the repairs to her SUV, hopefully her insurance company will work with her… but she has to cope with this collision for the rest of her life, and it was no fault of hers. Hopefully maybe a few rogue riders see this as a wake up call and stop the mad max anarchy riding through city streets on recreational vehicles designed for off road use. But I have a feeling this will happen again and again. Pretty soon insurance companies will be offering uninsured motorcyclist coverage.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdfirlb wrote
Reply to comment by yeehawkalian in Beach access for Narragansett town beach as some who doesn’t live in Narragansett? by yeehawkalian
They have been sued, a corrupt judge Frank Williams sided with the town of Narragansett. Little do people know the town actually sold a right of way to another property owner. A lot of corruption over the past 50 years.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdb3a4u wrote
Reply to Beach access for Narragansett town beach as some who doesn’t live in Narragansett? by yeehawkalian
Park for free along the sea wall, jump over the wall at the corner for free. If they try to trespass you site article 1 sections 16 & 17 of our state Constitution. We have inalienable rights to the shore. What the town of Narragansett has done since 1971 is unconstitutional. The beach is not an amusement ride, you can’t charge people money just to access it.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jbzvr5n wrote
Reply to comment by dionidium in For the love of God, someone please sell me your home by clairedelunar
You might want to look at the market tomorrow. In any event the dominoes will continue to fall.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jby6rx6 wrote
Reply to comment by voxaroth in For the love of God, someone please sell me your home by clairedelunar
Never the same way twice, but in the end it’s all about the transfer of wealth. Some will win, many will loose.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jbvoaiy wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Memory-5575 in For the love of God, someone please sell me your home by clairedelunar
I just have a feeling with current trends that timeline may be sped up. Of course if the housing market crashed again, most people won’t be celebrating.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jbvmdvj wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Memory-5575 in For the love of God, someone please sell me your home by clairedelunar
The dominoes don’t all fall at once, but rest assured they are coming down. Just make sure your money is secure.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jbvm843 wrote
Reply to comment by cojwa in For the love of God, someone please sell me your home by clairedelunar
A lot of real estate holder may find that they are a wee bit over leveraged. The supply will open up, the values will drop however most won’t have enough capital to get in.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jbv2ipz wrote
Good, maybe we can finally end the monopoly on infrastructure development here in RI.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jbv1rdy wrote
Patience young millennial, allow the banks to crash again… wait and watch the dominoes fall, save your money and wait for the artificially inflated housing market to burst at the seams. You will know when the time is right.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jb9zlne wrote
Reply to Rhode Island needs a bottle bill. Join us at the state house to advocate for a cleaner Rhode Island this Thursday at 3pm. This is 10,000 tossed nips. #rimillion-pieces by trashgirl1986
What kind of bottle bill? A bottle deposit fee bill? That I can get on board with. However a bill that bans one particular bottle over another not so much.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_janhakq wrote
Massive medical malpractice lawsuit, possibly a lawsuit against the City or town as well. Saw this grim story the other day, didn’t say where she was from originally, this is a national story. The footage is disturbing, scary and incomprehensible.
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jef75uf wrote
Reply to comment by Imjusthereforgossip3 in School safety by Imjusthereforgossip3
That would be a given, best to have their own office with CCTV screens displaying all entrances and exits. Security personal can be female as well. It’s always a good idea to outline policy for your security to avoid such situations.