SweaterWeather4Ever t1_jb1yf6q wrote
Reply to My dad rescued this school chair from a skip in the 70s. They were throwing them all out and replacing them with soulless plastic ones by 5552020
I love it! Like your dad, I have a history of rescuing chucked-out chairs. I also have a great solid wood table with side leaves I found by a dumpster. People toss out fantastic wooden pieces!
SweaterWeather4Ever t1_iyd94ul wrote
Reply to comment by Lucky_Habit8335 in Feeling down today? Boop Oliver's snoot! (OC) by Lucky_Habit8335
A Triboopta!
SweaterWeather4Ever t1_iyc2c33 wrote
Today is a three boop day😫 THANK YOU!
SweaterWeather4Ever t1_ivhup5l wrote
I collect vintage Dooneys and have that same buckle satchel. Those ducks are built to last!
SweaterWeather4Ever t1_jb1yrj9 wrote
Reply to comment by Blueporch in My dad rescued this school chair from a skip in the 70s. They were throwing them all out and replacing them with soulless plastic ones by 5552020
Hah and I bet the administration will brag the new chairs are made out of such and such percentage of recycled plastic, thus they are being so sustainable.🙄