SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j555plo wrote
Reply to comment by DDeast in Best chocolate cake around? by showmehow2br8kwallst
Do they let you bring your Gregg's Chocolate Cake into Pastiche?
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j51zqmt wrote
Reply to If you used a company to put solar on your house who did you use, and do you like them? by cbri
Newport Solar. Highly recommended.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j500d3f wrote
Reply to comment by RhodyViaWIClamDigger in Can someone explain what's going on with gas pricing? by hjude_design
Not in Providence. Rent in Providence, buy in the suburbs. The tax rates in the city just make it not worth it.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j4xsca3 wrote
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j4oatdm wrote
Reply to comment by MrRigby632 in D&D Workshop -- learn some new skills and meet friends/collaborators by tcotter
Well, I guess if the class is to learn about "Dragons and Dungeons" roleplaying....
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j3eeun3 wrote
Reply to comment by Wide_Television_7074 in Does anyone else find RI gas bills to be wildly expensive? I'm a single person heating 1000 Sq ft to 62 degrees max at all times. In a well insulated house. by ironicmatchingpants
That's not relevant. The cost now is from what they paid months ago. The utility needs to pre-buy a certain amount to ensure there are no shortages. The price now only affects the future costs, it doesn't affect the cost to consumers now.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j3eeig5 wrote
Reply to Does anyone else find RI gas bills to be wildly expensive? I'm a single person heating 1000 Sq ft to 62 degrees max at all times. In a well insulated house. by ironicmatchingpants
This needs to be a pinned thread.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j2tmydn wrote
Which part of the state are you looking for an instructor?
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j2q09u9 wrote
Reply to Good indoor proposal spots? by [deleted]
Isn't there a spot that's meaningful to the two of you?
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j29lzvr wrote
Reply to Affordable BJJ/MMA gyms? by _SwolbrohamLincoln_
The website for the UFC gym in the financial district says it's $90/month. https://www.ufcgym.com/locations/boston-financial-district
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j25v4n0 wrote
Reply to comment by Local_Judge in CVS and Walgreens are getting pilfered by [deleted]
If your requirement to stop thieves is you'd need to be the owner, let me break it to you, the owner of CVS was not in the store.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j25ujd2 wrote
It's a city. There aren't gated communities. But yes, there are a lot of choices, so figure out what you want to have nearby. Do you want to be downtown? Near the commuter rail? In a suburb? Near a subway stop? Near an entertainment district?
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j25u12d wrote
Reply to comment by Local_Judge in CVS and Walgreens are getting pilfered by [deleted]
Then why didn't you stop the thieves?
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j23uj7y wrote
Reply to comment by WillDisappointYou in Train from Boston to NYC by Vegetable-Delay-3273
Maybe. Depends on traffic. Also depends on whether OP gets Acela vs. Regional. The bus ride from Boston to NYC can take 5-6 hours if Connecticut is a mess. Trains can slow down too, but they are more reliable.
Plus, the Amtrak through Connecticut has some great views. On the bus, you just see highway and cars.
SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_j16hhu4 wrote
Reply to comment by HighPlainsDrifting in Due Mathematician 1111 by SweatyCockroach8212
Just a typical scam. Lure you in and then get money.
SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_j16f51f wrote
Reply to comment by Distinct-Ad5751 in Due Mathematician 1111 by SweatyCockroach8212
SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_j16af4m wrote
Reply to comment by canibringmydog in Due Mathematician 1111 by SweatyCockroach8212
It's definitely a scam.
SweatyCockroach8212 OP t1_j1692rl wrote
Reply to comment by canibringmydog in Due Mathematician 1111 by SweatyCockroach8212
Did you reply? I think that's how you get the photos.
Submitted by SweatyCockroach8212 t3_zs5czo in RhodeIsland
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_izj5yin wrote
Reply to comment by huh_phd in Thank you, my friends. by 13curseyoukhan
Well yeah, because this one's pretty good too though: https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/5ec16625e25ff100063be046/0x0.jpg?format=jpg&crop=1607,1070,x0,y0,safe&width=1200
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_izj5ske wrote
Reply to Thank you, my friends. by 13curseyoukhan
If your answer to this is anything but Sandwich Hut, then either you've never been to Sandwich Hut or you have COVID and can't taste things.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_izj5p7j wrote
Reply to comment by MaxrayMan in Thank you, my friends. by 13curseyoukhan
This is the way.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_iyt1oqs wrote
Reply to comment by Intrepid_Priority154 in Actor James Woods sues Rhode Island town over his neighbor building a house next door by kittyluxe
Why are you guessing that's what Woods is accusing the town of? It's all in the article.
SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j555sny wrote
Reply to Best chocolate cake around? by showmehow2br8kwallst
I'm a little disappointed that some people answered something other than Gregg's.